RT @ASA3org@twitter.com
How can churches better engage Christians who are scientists? Join us Jan 28 to hear from Walter Kim (President, @NAEvangelicals@twitter.com) with response from Jessica Moerman (Vice President for Science and Policy, @CreationCare@twitter.com). https://network.asa3.org/kim-23 #scienceandreligion #evangelicals
#scienceandreligion #evangelicals
Weihnachten ist vorbei, aber die Heiligen Drei Könige (die allerdings keine Könige, sondern eher frühe Kollegen von mir waren) liegen noch vor uns. Dazu und zu mehr habe ich der Welt ein Interview gegeben (PayWall 🤷🏼♂️) … #interview #welt #HeiligeDreiKönige #Glaube #Wissenschaft #Religion #ScienceAndReligion
#interview #welt #heiligedreikonige #glaube #wissenschaft #religion #scienceandreligion
The Science and Religion Quiz by Theos Think Tank and The Faraday Institute. It helps not only understand what you think about the relationship between science and religion, but also why it matters.
#scienceandreligion #philosophy
Hi, historian and childhood studies scholar. A few things I'm interested include #babies #infancy #morality #agency #personhood #historyofscience #historyofmedicine #childhood #scienceandreligion #jansenism #polanyi #medicalhumanities #tea #coffee #materialculture #humanities #history #publichumanities #acting #theatre #histodons #hps #academics
#babies #infancy #morality #agency #personhood #historyofscience #historyofmedicine #childhood #scienceandreligion #jansenism #polanyi #medicalhumanities #tea #coffee #materialculture #humanities #history #publichumanities #acting #theatre #histodons #hps #academics
STS people do you think science and religion debate, or better controversy, is part of STS. I am all for crossing boundaries these days, or "stepping toes." This question also has a practical purpose, I am looking for a STS journal to publish a article on science and religion controvesy. #STS #ScienceAndReligion
#ChurchOfScotland is hosting a free Zoom event on #ArtificialIntelligence this Thursday at 7.30pm. Details, and an introductory video (with Mastodoner @revalloam): https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/events/artificial-intelligence-ai-opportunity-and-challenge-for-the-church #AI #tech #faith #theology #religion #ScienceAndReligion
#scienceandreligion #religion #theology #faith #tech #ai #artificialintelligence #ChurchofScotland
#ChurchOfScotland is hosting a free Zoom event on #ArtificialIntelligence this Thursday at 7.30pm. Here is the introductory video (with a link to details of the event) #AI #tech #faith #theology #religion #ScienceAndReligion
#scienceandreligion #religion #theology #faith #tech #ai #artificialintelligence #ChurchofScotland
Understanding the relationship between my scientific heart and my faithful head is like understanding there is more than one map of existence. My scientific map helps me understand my senses, the way things work, predictability and unpredictability: it increases my sense of wonder. My faith map helps me understand hope, ethics, self-sacrifice and irrational love. My head and heart compliment each other and enhance my awe at the majesty of creation. #ScienceAndReligion
Hi, historian and childhood studies scholar. Just a few things I'm interested include #babies #infancy #morality #agency #personhood #historyofscience #historyofmedicine #childhood #scienceandreligion #jansenism #polanyi #medicalhumanities #tea #coffee #materialculture #humanities #history #publichumanities #acting #theatre #hps #academics #histodons
#histodons #academics #hps #theatre #acting #PublicHumanities #history #humanities #MaterialCulture #Coffee #tea #MedicalHumanities #polanyi #jansenism #scienceandreligion #childhood #historyofmedicine #historyofscience #personhood #agency #morality #infancy #babies