It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today I'm looking at our tendency to find nazis, soviets and other monsters of our own making lurking in science fiction. Featuring Heinlein, The Tomorrow People, Iron Sky, Star Trek and others.
Comments and reactions are always welcome.
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today I'm looking at forerunner or seeder civilisations - the ancient races we insist on populating the galaxy with - and what they tell us. Featuring ST:TNG, Andre Norton, David Brin, Murray Leinster and others.
Comments always welcome!
New #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post. Today we're looking at the Dark Forest theory for the absence of alien contact. Featuring Liu, Bear, Leinster and others.
Comments are always welcome.
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today we're looking at Megastructures - the colossal constructs that so engage the human imagination. Featuring Niven, Niven and some more Niven. Also Star Trek, Star Wars and others.
Comments are always welcome!
New #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post! Today I'm looking at the relationship between SF and the scientists who worked on one of the biggest technical and ethical challenges of the twentieth century - the Manhattan Project. Featuring Heinlein, Benford, Sawyer and Doomwatch amongst others.
Comments always welcome
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! This time I'm looking at stories of the next stage of human evolution: Homo superior. Featuring The Tomorrow People (which is 50 years old next week!), Sturgeon, Stapledon, Wyndham, Jaeger and others.
Comments are always welcome!
New blog post! Today in my #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog, I'm talking about Homo inferior - the fear of degeneration in future humanity. Featuring Wells, Aldiss, Doctor Who and Blake's Seven amongst others! Comments always welcome.
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today I'm looking at Unreal Reality Shows, featuring the fantastically named The Year of the Sex Olympics, The Running Man, Doctor Who, The Truman Show and others.
Comments always welcome!
It's time for a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post! Today I'm going astronomical and looking at clouds of interstellar gas and dust in SF. Featuring Arthur Conan Doyle, Fred Hoyle, Pohl Anderson, Kim Stanley Robinson and lots of Star Trek amongst others.
Comments always welcome!
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today we're looking at the persistent idea in science fiction that humans arose on our neighbouring planet. Are we really the Martians?
Featuring Quatermass and the Pit, Missions, H Beam Piper's Paratime and others!
Comments always welcome!
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! Today we're looking at robot-dominated societies in SF and the lessons for science, featuring #Asimov, #TheMatrix, #DoctorWho and #RUR amongst many others. Comments always welcome!
#RUR #DoctorWho #thematrix #asimov #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! We're looking at space weather - the impact of the Sun on its surroundings - and the way this is represented in SF. Featuring #ArthurCClarke, #Planetes, #TomSwift, #COBRA and many others. Comments always welcome!
#cobra #tomswift #Planetes #arthurcclarke #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! This time we're looking at representations of trial and error - the scientific process of experiment, failure and new experiment - in science fiction. Including #Thunderbirds #TomSwift and #Stargate amongst others. Comments always welcome!
#stargate #tomswift #thunderbirds #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
It's a new year and a new #cosmicstories blog post. Today we're looking at Desert Worlds in science and SF, including Dune, Tatooine, Vulcan and Mars.
Comments always welcome!
#Dune #StarWars #startrek #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
It's a new blog post day! Today in #CosmicStories we're looking at the #ScienceandSF of Weather Control - featuring appearances in #TheTomorrowPeople #Blakes7, #StarTrek and the works of Theodore L. Thomas amongst many others!
Comments always welcome!
#startrek #blakes7 #thetomorrowpeople #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
I'm mainly interested in #ScienceandSF #conspiracism and #iranprotest
#iranprotest #conspiracism #scienceandsf
Hi, #newhere & slowly getting used to the new digs. I enjoy
#ScienceandSF for movies, TV, & books
#booksaremybag scifi & horror mostly
The rest I'll make up as I go along.
#DogsRock #booksaremybag #scienceandsf #newhere
It's a new #CosmicStories #ScienceandSF blog post day! I'm looking at Atomic Futures - mid-twentieth century visions of the future including abundant nuclear energy. Featuring #DanDare, #TheJetsons, #TomSwift, #Thunderbirds, #Asimov and others. Comments are always welcome!
#asimov #thunderbirds #tomswift #thejetsons #dandare #scienceandsf #cosmicstories