
I want to highlight this article and this thread for my fellow . I think it raises a lot of issues that we care about -- besides it being outrageous and disgraceful.

[This would have been a quote toot if quote toots were allowed. Here it is really awkward. Sorry].

#scienceandvalues #philosophyofscience #philosophersofscience

Last updated 2 years ago

Old beliefs die hard and sometimes publications come at fortuitous times. My Philosophy of Science Association will talk about how Aldo Leopold came to see that it was false that "Large predators...cause declines in hunter harvests of ungulates due to direct competition for prey with hunters" in the 1st half of the 20th century.


#philsci #ecology #scienceandvalues #conservationbiology #PSA2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Papers in our session:

✳️ The coevolution of science and values in Aldo Leopold's thinking

✳️ Biodiversity as stealth policy advocacy

✳️ Science is no Democracy

✳️ Values in Conservation Science: Deliberation and Practice

✳️ Non-epistemic Values and the Debates Regarding Yellowstone, Wolves, and Trophic Cascades

#conservationbiology #ecosystemhealth #biodiversity #ecology #scienceandvalues #philsci

Last updated 2 years ago