My Friday night?: Trying to rehearse lines for a recording session of a well-ingrained character, while wearing teeth whitening plates…. And they are making it IMPOSSIBLE to do the voice inflection right. It’s so weird! I know this character. But I can’t hear her. Where is she!? A slightly different mouth placement and I can’t find her at all! #ScienceBitches #MaybeNotScienceButBiologyOrSomeShiz
#sciencebitches #maybenotsciencebutbiologyorsomeshiz
So, today was better than yesterday for me. So far so good. Hug a goddamn scientist. #sciencebitches (Since I’m off topic, let me add, that if you look at all of todays problems, in every direction, some combination of accountants, scientists, and freaking LIBRARIANS would save the world.). /but I digress, so i will rest.
You just read this in #SirRichardAttenborough's voice. #ScienceBitches #HappyHolidays
#happyholidays #sciencebitches #sirrichardattenborough
“Get in Loser, we're going [to learn about tetrapod evolution]!”
#bbcradio4 #inourtime #sciencebitches
Unmanned, Solar-powered US Space Plane Back After 908 Days #abcnews #scienceBitches
Lead, and what it does (and doesn't) tell you about the age of the Earth
The fact that we can estimate the Earth's age, over a 4.5 billion year span, to within 1% accuracy, is pretty flippin' amazing.
And yes, lead plays a role. Though some people get that wrong.
Anywho, if you're into that sort of thing:
#Science #ScienceBitches #AccurateScienceIsBetterScience #AgeOfTheEarth #Lead #Creationism #Fundamentalism #LymanStewart #RedShift #CepheidVariables #RadiometricDating #geology
#science #sciencebitches #AccurateScienceIsBetterScience #AgeOfTheEarth #lead #creationism #fundamentalism #LymanStewart #redshift #CepheidVariables #RadiometricDating #geology
There is nothing miraculous about creating a woman from a man's rib. #ScienceBitches