And since we’re on the topic, here’s the older companion of this post, on EEG neurofeedback:
#blog #neuro #scienceblogging #neuroscience
I managed to write my first post for #blaugust, on the topic of fMRI neurofeedback.
Delving into the details of this topic, and particularly thinking about how this method could be used as a closed-loop form of feedback for testing predictions from network control theory was a lot of fun. And hopefully it will be useful for people who wanna learn more about.
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #neuroscience #scienceblogging #fmri
Science vs intuition
...intuition is a crappy tool for understanding the world. System 1 wasn't built for that purpose. It was built for speed. #Intuition can't understand a terrestrial ball. It doesn't expect a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly. It can't help you understand how ice can fall from the sky an hour after the temperature peaked (in Tucson) at 105 F (40 C). It has never seen continents move.
#blaugust2023 #scientificcommunication #scienceblogging #intuition
I'm inspired by the #SkyIslands of southern Arizona and northern Sonora. They're literally islands, and a giant laboratory for the study of evolution. The hashtag is in my profile so it's about time I wrote about them! Looking forward to more, and hoping to get directly involved in research somehow. Maybe I can be a volunteer bug collector?
#evolution #tucson #sciencewriting #scienceblogging #blaugust2023 #IslandBiogeography #skyislands
Following up on yesterday's post about the vast universe of protein sequence space. I mentioned Dan Dennett's brilliant Library of Mendel, itself a subset of the famous Library of Babel.
Today I go more deliberately through the Library of Babel concept, and rename the protein library to The Library of Maynard Smith. (Frances Arnold at Caltech already did that, more than 10 years ago!)
#adaptivewalk #scienceblogging #blaugust2023 #proteinevolution #evolutioniseasy
Change is hard.
#Evolution is easy.
That's the theme of my writing (book) project. My claim is that we* have a tendency to think of evolution as hard: life is fragile, good things are rare, death is everywhere. Life seems impossible, miraculous. Plus, we continuously confront a depiction of evolution as big radical change that feels like an impossible transformation.
#blogging #evolutioniseasy #scienceblogging #blaugust #evolution
Here's my intro post for #Blaugust2023 which is an annual blogging festival. My first time participating.
One post a day for the month of August!
Thanks to @belghast for setting up the festival, to @Aywren for helping me find it. Follow @Blaugust for info on the festival
#scienceblogging #sciencewriting #blogging #blaugust2023
The **Behind the paper** series at the #PLOSBiologue blog at #plosbiology @PLOSBiology is always inspiring and interesting. The newest is about findings in extramedullary hematopoiesis in tumors and tells about how Derek Barisas (MD/PhD student at WashU School of Medicine) nurtured the project through the pandemic—the lab shut down 3 months after he started.
#scienceblogging #behindthepaper #cancerbiology #plosbiology #plosbiologue
The Fediverse tools include #Plume which seems not to be supported anymore and #writefreely which looks nice but would require some work, seems to require a server. I have a domain and hosting at Google but don't know if that can work.
Advice? Ideas? Offers of collaboration? All are welcome. 🙂
#bloggers #scientificwriting #sciencewriting #scienceblogging #writefreely #Plume
"Intelligent design" might be "creationism in a cheap suit" but the concept of design in biology is interesting and legit.
I agree with @ddennett (Dan Dennett) that design is real and that weasel words like "designoid" or "apparent design" are counterproductive and meaningless.
But then can we have design without a designer?
My basic answer: sure, why not?
#scienceblogging #atheism #biology #intelligentdesign #evolution
Es ist motivierend und inspirierend, mit Vincent Vaessen, dem Autor des Iranistik Science Blogs Vezvez-e kandu, quasi im Tandem über Open Science zu schreiben. Wir haben dabei unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte. So habe ich zum Beispiel die Schwelle ins freie Betriebssystem noch nicht überschritten, worüber es in diesem Beitrag von Vincent u.a. geht. Ich wär so gern ein "Geek", kann ich nur sagen...
#Openscience #scienceblogging
I am already excited by the prospect to meet young researchers of Southeast European Studies at a workshop on Science Blogging on 1. April 2023.
#Scienceblogging #OpenScience #OpenAccess #DigitalHumanities #publishing #science #networking #opportunities #socialmedia #platformeconomy #Meinungskapitalismus #Plattformkapitalismus #OpenCode
#scienceblogging #OpenScience #openaccess #digitalhumanities #publishing #science #networking #opportunities #socialmedia #platformeconomy #meinungskapitalismus #plattformkapitalismus #OpenCoDE
@imtheq still in its early days (as blog & portfolio) but with a real effort to keep updating
#SciComm #ScienceLiteracy #Communication #ScienceBlog #ScienceBlogging #SciPortfolio
#sciportfolio #scienceblogging #scienceblog #communication #scienceliteracy #scicomm