Dimitri Coelho Mollo · @dcm
581 followers · 108 posts · Server social.sunet.se

Cool, accessible article over at about the strangeness and complexity of atoms and their components, and how the popular idea that atoms are mostly empty space is problematic.
(The author mentions an episode of Cosmos in which Sagan says that, and which I remember vividly despite the decades in between)

#aeon #philosophyofphysics #quantumtheory #sciencecomm

Last updated 1 year ago

How does the scientific publication process work? What role can play in ? Learn more in the video "Science communication and the publication process":
YouTube: youtu.be/DKMzBmCqPiY
@TIB_AVPortal: doi.org/10.5446/59396

#openaccess #sciencecomm

Last updated 1 year ago

Elzi Volk · @lzvolk
100 followers · 634 posts · Server fediscience.org

"...since there is no scientific concept behind the “spillover”, it might be dangerous to base public health and public protection against future pandemics on it."
This is not just a rant on semantics. Science communication must be precise, now more than ever. 1/2


#viruses #pandemics #sciencecomm #spillover

Last updated 1 year ago

SFB 1265 · @sfb1265
115 followers · 23 posts · Server mstdn.social

📢New Blogpost!
Visual artist Simone Rueß reflects on the hybrid workshop “Visualizing Narrative Spaces”, in which she guided researchers in developing visual abstractions of their research in a collective, performative action.
Read it here: sfb1265.de/blog/visualizing-na

#methods #experimental #humanities #sciencecomm #visualisation #wiskomm #sfb1265

Last updated 2 years ago

Amy McCarty · @amccarty
1 followers · 1 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

Hi! I'm Amy (she/her). I do not have a big social media presence, so am experimenting with finding a friendlier space on this decentralized platform.

I like , , , and . Inside you can usually find me reading, writing, cooking, or drawing. I try to live and eat seasonally with a little flavor of .

I work with data and and am really interested in

#sciencecomm #dataviz #minimalism #naturejournaling #photography #gardening #hiking #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Szell · @mszll
1070 followers · 153 posts · Server datasci.social

I realized I have created some science-inspired "memes" over the past years. To not lose them (and their source files) I organized them here: github.com/mszell/sciencememes
Hope to add more in the future


Last updated 2 years ago

can · @can
36 followers · 186 posts · Server mstdn.social

"Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

In the newest issue of my newsletter, The Cassandra Dispatch, I focus on Carl Sagan's famous passage in his book Pale Blue Dot:


Make sure to sign up for free to receive the next issue in your inbox.

#Astronomy #Science #sciencecomm

Last updated 2 years ago

DrKiki · @Drkiki
1211 followers · 140 posts · Server mastodon.social

Are you interested in as a career? Is it your career?
Join the professional science communication community at the Association of Science Communicator's Science Talk '23 conference!
Early-bird registration is open until the end of January:

#scicomm #scitalk23 #science #sciencecomm

Last updated 2 years ago

Laux Myth (aka Martin) · @lauxmyth
61 followers · 128 posts · Server mastodon.online
Laux Myth (aka Martin) · @lauxmyth
66 followers · 153 posts · Server mastodon.online
Alexandra Lux · @alexlux
18 followers · 2 posts · Server mstdn.social

Expressing findings and recommendations in a less complex way seems to be a promising way to reach individuals with a high conspiracy mindset - those we have been struggling to reach.
Grateful for this wonderful collaboration.

#sciencecomm #COVID19 #sciencecommunication

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexandra Lux (she/her) · @alexlux
67 followers · 29 posts · Server mstdn.social

Expressing findings and recommendations in a less complex way seems to be a promising way to reach individuals with a high conspiracy mindset - those we have been struggling to reach.
Grateful for this wonderful collaboration.

#sciencecomm #COVID19 #sciencecommunication

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
214 followers · 1131 posts · Server epicure.social

@SolNataMD The people brainwashed into believing it only think that because the Russians/Chinese/Iranians/Saudis who literally own ran not one, but TWO campaigns "promoting" it from January - December 2021.

The foreign state bad actors flooded the replies of ALL science communicators on with extreme volumes of disinformation about it.

Traffic levels of this disinfo hit six tweets PER SECOND, at its second peak aimed at the US:


This was the tactic they used:

Even as the UNSAFE Twitter "Safety" did NOTHING about it, because it was being posted by foreign state bad actors as PAID ADVERTISING, e.g. 's ONLY revenue source.



Anyone (OK OK only me) who tried to call out the foreign state bad actors running these campaigns, was censored. BY


#twitter #covid #covid19 #disinformation #sciencecomm

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spoonless Kitchen · @thespoonless
173 followers · 762 posts · Server epicure.social

@MasonBee A lot of us looking for the science communicators on the other site to try and find news that the h*llscape of a h*llsite deliberately de-algorithmized - but not hidden from the Russians and Chinese trolls who attacked them at volume.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Fedak, PhD · @TimFedak
70 followers · 41 posts · Server fediscience.org

How do we convey history and culture of more meaningfully?

I've been giving presentations at least 15 minutes long sometimes up to 50 minutes - but YouTube shows me the online audience does not stay that long. 70% are gone at 4 minutes.

I'm looking at ways to construct more impactful products.

Thinking of ways to efficiently grab attention, build interest and empathy, and leave audience inspired and curious to learn more.

#staytuned #sciencecomm #science

Last updated 2 years ago

J.J. Angelus :mastoart: · @jj_angelus
118 followers · 369 posts · Server mstdn.social

Ice Crystallization of Soap Bubble is so magical. ❄

This beautiful crystallization of soap bubbles is due to a fluid dynamics effect called the Marangoni flow. This phenomenon occurs when a fluid needs to flow from areas of lower surface tension to areas of higher surface tension, or from hot to cold at an interface.

#icecrystal #sciencecomm

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiago Peixoto · @tiago
1302 followers · 3382 posts · Server social.skewed.de

Interesting piece on NY Times about a supposed “wood wide web” — an underground fungal network that allows trees to cooperate by sharing nutrients and “communicating”. The widely believed theory is falling apart under scrutiny, and it's becoming clear it should not have been widely accepted in the first place.

One particular item that I found interesting is how the criticisms of the hypothesis were presented very early, but since the original publications were done in a fancy journal (Nature), the debunked claim flourished nevertheless, while the criticisms were forgotten.


This also reminds me of a modern problem with science communication. We're often asked to accept two things simultaneously:

1. Science is a human endeavor, and hence is subject to ideological and cultural biases, societal pressures, consensus dynamics, etc.

2. We need to trust The Science™, and accept the opinion of experts, without second-guessing them.

Obviously we can't have both. This cognitive dissonance is obvious to anyone, and causes distrust in the general population.

It should be clear to any scientist that point 1 is largely true — although not to the same extent across all fields, and certainly not to the absurd levels claimed by some (e.g. that mathematics is inherently white supremacist and needs to be “decolonized”).

Any scientist exerts skepticism in their own field, and there is no reason not to do so for other fields, and not allow the general population to do the same.

I take vaccines and I'm worried about climate change not simply because scientists (even a majority of them) have said so, but because of the evidence and logic presented, which affects my trust on the scientists. I do not trust other fields of science based on the same criteria, despite not having the credentials or detailed expertise — although, of course, one needs to exercise careful humility in these cases.

It's rare to see science communication that embodies skepticism in a healthy way.

@complexsystems @networkscience

#science #sciencecomm #fungus

Last updated 2 years ago

RenkeSiems · @RenkeSiems
182 followers · 124 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Jetzt hat sich also wieder jemand die Finger verbrannt. Bald werden solche Systeme wahrscheinlich nicht mehr im Schaufenster liegen, aber immer mehr im Backoffice werkeln. Zur Erinnerung: Elsevier arbeitet daran, Peer Review durch AI erledigen zu lassen. Dann sind Forschende aus der Entscheidung, was relevant für den Diskurs ist, verdrängt und stören nicht mehr.


#sciencecomm #DataCartels #ai

Last updated 2 years ago

Muhammad Ittefaq · @ittefaq
1 followers · 2 posts · Server mstdn.social

💼 Job: Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the James Madison University, Virginia, US. 
🔍 Research: how transnational and organizations health-related issues within this hyper technological environment and how people consume and engage with that health and /disinformation.
📖 Currently: Working on public opinion about and in the US. 
#️⃣ , , , ,

#sciencecomm #healthcomm #globalsouth #climatexhange #academic #ClimateChange #vaccines #MIS #Information #communicate #Health #Media #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Muhammad Ittefaq · @ittefaq
35 followers · 16 posts · Server mstdn.social

💼 Job: Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the James Madison University, Virginia, US. 
🔍 Research: how transnational and organizations health-related issues within this hyper technological environment and how people consume and engage with that health and /disinformation.
📖 Currently: Working on public opinion about and in the US. 
#️⃣ , , , ,

#sciencecomm #healthcomm #globalsouth #climatexhange #academic #ClimateChange #vaccines #MIS #Information #communicate #Health #Media #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago