Vormerken: Am 29.9. findet in der #KielRegion wieder der #ScienceDay statt. Mit dem #KgalagadiHumanOrigins-Projekt, dem #MaterialMinds-Projekt und uns könnt Ihr dann die menschliche Vergangenheit erkunden. Mehr Infos folgen. Das gesamte Programm findet Ihr schon jetzt unter: https://wiss.kiel.de/science-day.html
#materialminds #kgalagadihumanorigins #scienceday #kielregion
Feb 28: Today is National #Science Day! http://www.cute-calendar.com/40846 #ScienceDay #holiday #event #observance
#science #scienceday #holiday #event #observance
Today - 18 Dec: #ScienceDay. German researchers post about their projects; with lectures and events across Germany
-> #4GenderStudies 📢
The initiative started in 2017. It is also a community response to attacks & threats that gender studies researchers face online.
#GenderStudies @lgbtqiagroup
#genderstudies #berlin #concertedaction #solidarity #4genderstudies #scienceday
RT @VVandvik@twitter.com
Next up at the @ipbes@twitter.com #scienceDay event - the #values Assessment!
Am 30. September haben wir uns zusammen mit dem #KielPlantCenter Kiel am #ScienceDay in der #KielRegion beteiligt. Jetzt gibt es einen kleinen filmischen Rückblick auf das Event. Vielen Dank noch einmal an die vielen Besucher:innen für die spannenden Fragen und interessanten Gespräche!
#EuropeanResearchersNight #FestivalderWissenschaft
#festivalderwissenschaft #europeanresearchersnight #kielregion #scienceday #kielplantcenter
Oggi nel 1859 Charles Darwin pubbblicava l’Origine della specie e sempre oggi ma nel 1974 veniva scoperta Lucy, esempio di Australopithecus afarensis #gooddayforscience #scienceday
#gooddayforscience #scienceday
The name of the natural brain chemical released into the brain when we are hungry is neuropeptide Y. They also stimulated active feeding behaviors by acting on various receptors in the brain, including another gene called the Y1 receptor.
In addition to acting in the brain to control hunger, neuropeptides Y and the Y1 receptor also regulate anger or aggression.
#Science #shortanswer #biology #psychology #scienceday
The name of the natural brain chemical released into the brain when we are hungry is neuropeptide Y. They also stimulated active feeding behaviors by acting on various receptors in the brain, including another gene called the Y1 receptor.
In addition to acting in the brain to control hunger, neuropeptides Y and the Y1 receptor also regulate anger or aggression.
#Science #shortanswer #biology #psychology #scienceday
RT @NobelPrize@twitter.com
"We are not making science for science. We are making science for the benefit of humanity."
- 2008 medicine laureate Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, who discovered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) with Luc Montagnier. Their discovery has saved countless lives.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NobelPrize/status/1590608216957677570
One year after the approval by Member States of the @UNESCO Recommendation of #OpenScience at the 41st General Conference we see the rising importance of advancing scientific knowledge through democratic and transparent process. Happy #ScienceDay https://twitter.com/unesco/status/1590660545623085058
« Damit sich die Wissenschaft aus #Kiel und Region präsentieren kann, bietet der #ScienceDay Forschungskräften die Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeit zu präsentieren. Am Freitag, 30. September, gibt es an zehn Standorten in Kiel zahlreiche kostenlose Angebote. https://www.kn-online.de/lokales/kiel/science-day-2022-in-kiel-was-die-wissenschaft-alles-zu-bieten-hat-IOVYKACQN4G7WJSUU6SLNHMIOQ.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1664351871-1 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/kn_online/status/1575135559642750977
Ein kleiner Reminder für die Kieler:innen: Am 30.09.2022 ist die ZBW mit den folgenden Programmpunkten beim #ScienceDay dabei: https://www.zbw.eu/de/ueber-uns/aktuelles/meldung/news/science-day-kiel https://t.co/BF3Tam5PPb
RT @SPIRSProject@twitter.com
Women in SPIRS kick-off meeting #womeninscience #scienceday https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGdIG_s--O/?utm_medium=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SPIRSProject/status/1458460981709922311
RT @NobelPrize
"I see science as about learning to apply the relevant information to make decisions. That’s something that everybody can learn, and everybody needs to learn.”
Carl Wieman on how a scientific way of thinking can help us build a better future: https://www.nobelprize.org/carl-wieman-education-is-about-learning-to-make-better-decisions/