Keen on #rstats #BayesianStatistics #Stan #metaanalysis
Out of context (?):
Police coercion can result in false confession
Pseudoscientific policing practices and beliefs (e.g., the Reid Technique, criminal profiling, polygraph) can do actual harm
False balance often occurs when media exploits the norm of neutrality by staging both the consensus view and the contrarian view of a topic with equal representation. #sciencedenialism
Also, I think Math is cool😼
#introduction #sciencedenialism #metaanalysis #Stan #BayesianStatistics #rstats
RT @PhilippMSchmid@twitter.com
Effective Strategies for Rebutting #ScienceDenialism in Public Discussions. Our (@CorneliaBetsch@twitter.com & I) new and awaited empirical evaluation of existing rebuttal strategies in the fight against #fakenews Out Now! in @NatureHumBehav@twitter.com https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-019-0632-4
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PhilippMSchmid/status/1143515966728495104