Legless lizards are not snakes. Lizards have ear openings and moving eyelids, and snakes do not.
Thanks The Guernsey Scientist for the tip!
#science #sciencefacts #leglesslizards #snakes
The Voyager golden records are actually constructed of gold-plated copper.
#science #sciencefacts #voyager #goldenrecord #goldplated #copper
#science #sciencefacts #voyager #goldenrecord #goldplated #copper
All white dwarfs will crystallize at some point in their evolution.
#science #sciencefacts #whitedwarfs #whitedwarfstar #crystal #crystallize
#science #sciencefacts #whitedwarfs #whitedwarfstar #crystal #crystallize
A black dwarf is a theoretical stellar remnant, specifically a white dwarf that has cooled sufficiently to no longer emit significant heat or light.
#science #sciencefacts #blackdwarf #WhiteDwarf
Although the structural characteristics of the eggshell vary by species, the chicken eggshell has three distinct layers : the mammillary layer, the prismatic or palisade layer, and the external layer.
#science #sciencefacts #chicken #chickeneggs #eggshells
Aside from the occasional power outage and one change of location that took 20 minutes, Livermore, California's 'Centennial Light' has been burning since 1901, making it the world's longest-lasting light bulb.
#science #sciencefacts #centenniallight #centenniallightbulb
#science #sciencefacts #centenniallight #centenniallightbulb
Sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) are the only species of shark that farts. They gulp air at the surface, hold it in their stomachs and “fart” it out gradually until their desired depth is achieved. This retention of air allows the shark to hover almost motionless at a depth of its choosing.
#science #sciencefacts #sandtigers #sandtigershark #gas #fart #flatulence
#science #sciencefacts #sandtigers #sandtigershark #gas #fart #flatulence
A day on Venus, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation, is longer than a year on Venus, which orbits around the Sun once every 225 Earth days
#science #sciencefacts #venus #day #year
Almost 18% of the human body’s mass is made up of carbon, which is about 16kg distributed throughout the body. This amount of carbon is enough to provide ‘lead’ (which is really graphite) for about 9,000 pencils.
#science #sciencefacts #carbon #graphite #pencils #pencillead
#science #sciencefacts #carbon #graphite #pencils #pencillead
The maximum possible recoil velocity for colliding black holes exceeds 102 million kmh (63 million mph) - about 1/10 the speed of light.
#science #sciencefacts #blackholes #collision #vlocity #recoilvelocity
#science #sciencefacts #blackholes #collision #vlocity #recoilvelocity
The Scunthorpe problem is not actually about how text filters read the word cunt and block it, but because computers have sworn unlimited genocide on the descendants of Skuma, which you'd KNOW, if you read a BOOK! NO NOT THAT ONE!
#sciencefacts #computer #scunthorpe
A study of patients who had recent radiographs of their 5th toe revealed that while most had three phalanges and two joints, 44.4% had just two phalanges and one joint.
#science #sciencefacts #fifthtoe #pinkytoe #thislittlepiggywenttomarket #toejoint
#science #sciencefacts #fifthtoe #pinkytoe #thislittlepiggywenttomarket #toejoint
'Pad Consumables' are the parts of a launch pad that need repair or replacing after a launch - some insulation, soft environmental ducts (air conditioning), the fence sometimes, etc...
Thank you to United Launch Alliance's Tory Bruno for answering our question!
#science #sciencefacts #rocket #rocketlaunch #padconsumables
#science #sciencefacts #rocket #rocketlaunch #padconsumables
The most frequent wave height is 2½ m (8½ ft).
#science #sciencefacts #water #wave #waves #waveheight
Zebrafish embryos are transparent.
Thanks to Dr. Elisabeth Kugler of Zeeks - Art for Geeks for sharing this on Dr. Alexis Katsis' podcast, @luxescipod - we love this show! Tune in if you'd like to know the science behind gems, art, pigments, metals and more.
#science #sciencefacts #embryos #zebrafish #transparent
The Leidenfrost Effect is the phenomenon when a drop of liquid levitates on a vapor layer when brought into contact with a very hot solid.
Thanks to our fan Delius Cheng for the tip!
#science #sciencefacts #leidenfrosteffect
Hawaii's Keck Observatory can deliver near-infrared images three to four times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope.
#science #sciencefacts #keckobservatory #hubblespacetelescope
#science #sciencefacts #keckobservatory #hubblespacetelescope
Marine Iguanas are the only marine lizard species in the world, found only in the Galápagos Islands.
#science #sciencefacts #marineiguanas #galapagos #galápagosislands
#science #sciencefacts #marineiguanas #galapagos #GalapagosIslands
NASA's OAO-2 was the world's first space telescope, launched in 1968.
OAO-1 was launched in 1966, but suffered a power failure before it could become opertaional, and the Soviet's first space telescope - Orion 1 - didn't go up until 1971.
#science #sciencefacts #spacetelescope #nasa #oao2