I’m #currentlyreading📖 Storm by Hattie Jacks #alienromance #wingedalien #scifiromance #sciencefictionromance #pnr #paranormslromance #fantadyromance #kindleunlimited
#kindleunlimited #fantadyromance #paranormslromance #pnr #sciencefictionromance #scifiromance #wingedalien #alienromance #currentlyreading
I’m #currentlyreading📖 Three Babies and the Alien Warrior by Honey Phillips #scifiromance #alienromance #sciencefictionromance #kindleunlimited
#kindleunlimited #sciencefictionromance #alienromance #scifiromance #currentlyreading
Smog got you down this year? Yeah, me too. Global dust storms must be even worse for a lonesome girl...unless you have a robotic uranium mine to show off to a dreamy date. Enjoy that with her in my little story.
#books #scifi #sciencefiction #Mars #Marscolonization #duststorms #globalduststorms #mining #romance #scifiromance #sciencefictionromance #romancestory #story #shortstory
Ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BG3CFQKW/
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFVVB87D/
#books #SciFi #sciencefiction #mars #marscolonization #duststorms #globalduststorms #mining #romance #scifiromance #sciencefictionromance #romancestory #story #shortstory
Heartless (Interstellar Brides Program: Primal Mates) by Grace Goodwin ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #Giveaway
Stop by the blog to check out the book, read an excerpt, and enter the giveaway for your chance to win $20 Amazon gift card: https://angelsguiltypleasures.com/2023/07/heartless-interstellar-brides-program-primal-mates-by-grace-goodwin/
#adultromance #sciencefiction #sciencefictionromance #gracegoodwin #bookblogger #bookstagram #ilovetoread #ilovebooks📚 #bookobsessed #booklove #XpressoBookTours #readmorebooks #booksrock
#booksrock #readmorebooks #XpressoBookTours #booklove #bookobsessed #ilovebooks #ilovetoread #bookstagram #bookblogger #gracegoodwin #sciencefictionromance #sciencefiction #adultromance #giveaway #Excerpt #BookTour
Review: The Alien's Ransom (Drixonian Warrior, #1) by Ella Maven https://angelsguiltypleasures.com/2023/07/review-the-aliens-ransom-drixonian-warrior-1-by-ella-maven/ #4Stars, #Adult18+, #EroticRomance, #ParanormalRomance, #Review, #ScienceFictionRomance @angels_gp
#sciencefictionromance #review #paranormalromance #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars
I'm #currentlyreading Weapons Master by Anna Hackett.
She writes great Sci-Fi Romance.
A grumpy cyborg weapons master collides with a feisty mechanic from Earth who turns his ordered existence upside down.
#sciencefictionromance #KindleUnlimited #scifiromance #paranormal #paranormalromance #alienromance #boughtbook
#boughtbook #alienromance #paranormalromance #paranormal #scifiromance #kindleunlimited #sciencefictionromance #currentlyreading
Review: The Alien’s Ransom (Drixonian Warrior, #1) by Ella Maven
#DrixonianWarrior #EllaMaven #4Stars #Adult18 #EroticRomance #ParanormalRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #paranormalromance #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #ellamaven #drixonianwarrior
My #currentread is Guard by Anna Hackett #paranormalromace #fantasy #scifiromance #sciencefictionromance
#sciencefictionromance #scifiromance #fantasy #paranormalromace #currentread
Thrifty Thursday Review: Hunted by the Alien Assassin (Mates of the Kaluma, #1) by Ella Maven https://angelsguiltypleasures.com/2023/05/thrifty-thursday-review-hunted-by-the-alien-assassin-mates-of-the-kaluma-1-by-ella-maven/ #4Stars, #Adult18+, #EroticRomance, #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars
Thrifty Thursday Review: Hunted by the Alien Assassin (Mates of the Kaluma, #1) by Ella Maven
#EllaMaven #MatesOfTheKaluma #4Stars #Adult18 #EroticRomance #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #matesofthekaluma #ellamaven
Review: Wray (Tornians, #2) by M.K. Eidem
#M.K.Eidem #Tornians #3Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #3Stars #tornians #m
Review: Grim (Tornians, #1) by M.K. Eidem
#M.K.Eidem #Tornians #4Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #tornians #m
A tale rooted in the opposite time of the year from spring, but a short, sweet, and pleasant one. If you want autumn vibes and a wholesome date in outer space this is a story for you!
#story #shortstory #scifi #sciencefiction #sciencefictionromance #scifiromance #book
#story #shortstory #SciFi #sciencefiction #sciencefictionromance #scifiromance #book
DNF Reviews: Korjh’s Bride, Twins For The Alien Warrior, & Sheriff Bear
#AthenaStorm #BearsofPinerockCounty #ClarissaLake #InterstellerMatchmaking #ZoeChant #DNF #ParanormalRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #paranormalromance #dnf #zoechant #interstellermatchmaking #clarissalake #bearsofpinerockcounty #athenastorm
Review: Flor’s Fiasco (Icehome, #16) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #4Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #rubydixon #icehome
Review: Daisy’s Decision (Icehome, #15) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #3Stars #4Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #3Stars #rubydixon #icehome
Review: Sam’s Secret (Icehome, #14) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #3Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #3Stars #rubydixon #icehome
Review: Steph’s Outcast (Icehome, #13) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #4Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #rubydixon #icehome
Review: Bridget’s Bane (Icehome, #12) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #2Stars #3Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #3Stars #2stars #rubydixon #icehome
Review: Raven’s Return (Icehome, #11) by Ruby Dixon
#Icehome #RubyDixon #4Stars #Adult18+ #EroticRomance #Review #ScienceFictionRomance
#sciencefictionromance #review #eroticromance #adult18 #4Stars #rubydixon #icehome