@Parzival @shellsharks You will probably enjoy Asimov's "The Last Question", a short must-read: http://www.thelastquestion.net
Also: a slightly tangential but similarly hearty recommendation for Egan's novel Quarantine.
#ScienceFictionStudies @gregeganSF
Today in Bogiperson news (NOT about the Supreme Court)
* Ignyte voting closes today
* Rosalind's Siblings cover reveal on Sunday
* SFRA conference
* TWO reviews! Ryka Aoki and William Sleator
Blog post on Bogi Reads the World:
#BogiReads #Ignyte #IgnyteAwards2023 #RosalindsSiblings #SFRA #Reviews #RykaAoki #WilliamSleator #TransLit #QueerBooks @bookstodon #Bookstodon #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Paranormal #Aliens #ScienceFictionStudies
#BogiReads #ignyte #ignyteawards2023 #rosalindssiblings #sfra #reviews #rykaaoki #williamsleator #translit #queerbooks #bookstodon #sciencefiction #fantasy #paranormal #aliens #sciencefictionstudies
Lambda awards are out, so now I can say that I was on the jury in the LGBTQ+ Studies category!
I absolutely loved the winner we chose, Keeping It Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics by Darieck Scott.
Blog post here:
#Pride #Pride2023 #LambdaAwards #Lambda #Nonfiction #Academic #QueerStudies #GenderStudies #ScienceFictionStudies #Superheroes #Bookstodon @bookstodon #BlackAuthors #BlackSFF #Comics #ComicsStudies #Queer #QueerBooks
#pride #pride2023 #lambdaawards #lambda #nonfiction #academic #queerstudies #genderstudies #sciencefictionstudies #superheroes #bookstodon #blackauthors #blacksff #comics #comicsstudies #queer #queerbooks
STAR TREK: ESSAYS EXPLORING THE FINAL FRONTIER is here! 🖖 I'm so excited to share this with the universe!
#StarTrek #ScienceFiction #ScienceFictionStudies #PopularCultureStudies #FilmStudies #Books #Bookstodon #Academics
More information, including the full Table of Contents, is at the link below. The book can be requested via libraries as a hardback or ebook, and the coupon code CFC10822213C4 provides a 24% "new release!" discount at the Vernon Press website.
#startrek #sciencefiction #sciencefictionstudies #popularculturestudies #filmstudies #books #bookstodon #academics
STAR TREK: ESSAYS EXPLORING THE FINAL FRONTIER is coming soon! 🖖 I'm so excited to share this with the universe!
With writing from Emily Strand, @unamccormack, Daniel Unruh, Edward Guimont, Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco, Kristina Šekrst, Javier Francisco, Erin Bell, Martine Gjermundsen Ræstad, @AHiggins, John Jackson Miller, & me, and cover art by Emily Austin.
#StarTrek #ScienceFiction #ScienceFictionStudies #PopularCultureStudies #FilmStudies #Books #Bookstodon #Academics
More information, including the full Table of Contents, is here: https://vernonpress.com/book/1672
#startrek #sciencefiction #sciencefictionstudies #popularculturestudies #filmstudies #books #bookstodon #academics
I'm feeling sentimental, so here is *checks notes* a 23-year spread of #StarTrek essays! #ScienceFictionStudies #ScienceFiction #Academics #Books #Journals
#startrek #sciencefictionstudies #sciencefiction #academics #books #journals
I'm so excited to share STAR TREK: ESSAYS EXPLORING THE FINAL FRONTIER with the universe. More information will be coming very soon! :vulcan_hmn_g1: #StarTrek #ScienceFiction #ScienceFictionStudies #PopularCultureStudies #MediaStudies #Books #Bookstodon #Academics
#startrek #sciencefiction #sciencefictionstudies #popularculturestudies #mediastudies #books #bookstodon #academics
It's not every day that you and your brilliant co-editor Emily Strand submit your completed book to your publisher, but today is that day for me!
More information on STAR WARS: ESSAYS EXPLORING A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY, the sibling to our previously-submitted and also-forthcoming anthology STAR TREK: ESSAYS EXPLORING THE FINAL FRONTIER, will be coming soon!
#StarWars #StarTrek #PopularCultureStudies #ScienceFictionStudies #MediaStudies #Academics #Books #Bookstodon #SFF
#starwars #startrek #popularculturestudies #sciencefictionstudies #mediastudies #academics #books #bookstodon #sff
#CallForPapers: Wars We Never Fought: Armed Conflict in #SpeculativeFiction
Critical essays are requested for Wars We Never Fought: Armed Conflict in Speculative Fiction.
As the project seeks to be a wide survey of war in science / speculative fiction and fantasy narratives, papers that address any of the forms below will be considered: Short- and long-form narrative #fiction; #Drama; #Film; #Animation; #Television; #VideoGames; #TabletopGaming / #RolePlayingGames; and #NewMedia / #InternetMedia.
#ScienceFictionStudies #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #SFF #Academics #PopularCulture #PopCultureStudies #MediaStudies #war
The complete Call for Papers is here: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2023/02/23/edited-collection-wars-we-never-fought-armed-conflict-in-speculative-fiction
#callforpapers #speculativefiction #war #fiction #drama #film #animation #television #videogames #tabletopgaming #roleplayinggames #newmedia #internetmedia #sciencefictionstudies #sciencefiction #fantasy #sff #academics #popularculture #popculturestudies #mediastudies
“To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#gothicstudies #sciencefictionstudies #sfintranslation #horrorfiction #yafiction #NoirAlley #truecrime
“To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#gothicstudies #sciencefictionstudies #sfintranslation #indigenousfuturism #yafiction #NoirAlley #truecrime