Booked my 4th #CovidVaccine shot.
Wife, who has autoimmune problems booked her 5th the same day.
#COVIDVaccine #covid #vaccine #science #scienceftw
Hmm today I noticed a groove around my thumbnail, like a growth ring. I happen to know that a thing that causes these is a change of, or a new, medication. I knew the rough growth rate of human nails and I have a micrometer so - I worked out how far back 4.2mm represented, tracked back on my calendar - and it was the day they gave me and intravenous antibiotic after a day procedure at the local hospital.
I now need to know why it knocked the sh*t out of me so much, and also why it only affected my LH thumb. Hmmm... ChatGPT says "According to reflexology / Chinese medicine, the left thumb nail is said to be associated with the spleen and stomach organs."
Sort of stands to reason, actually. Antibiotics - even intravenous - could perhaps interfere in the digestive processes. Maybe? Who knows.
Okay - so the reflexology/Chinese thing may be a far reach, but the science behind medications affecting nail growth patterns is as far as I know fairly solid. and my nail growth rate during this period was around 0.117mm/day.
A lot of time and effort went into creating this list from a great group of intelligent ppl trying to keep the misinformation bullies from taking over the playground.
RT @rohangilkes
@Doctor_Eric_B Lol I've been keeping track of antivax talking points on clubhouse.
"We have no idea what is in the vaccines" is literally #2 on the list of 125. 😂
#scienceftw #misinformation_buster #debunked
Great video about why it seems like ppl are just dropping dead from the vaccine.
#scienceftw #FactsMatter #CovidVaccines
RT @crwequine
@IanCopeland5 Should be required watching;
#scienceftw #factsmatter #CovidVaccines