Well that was quick:
"Four researchers in the University of Oxford’s Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division have today been awarded major European Research Council Starting Grants, part of the Horizon Europe programme."
#Horizon #EuropeanUnion #OxfordUniversity #Science #ScienceFunding
#horizon #europeanunion #oxforduniversity #science #sciencefunding
"UK expected to re-join Horizon science scheme"
Thank goodness for that, and about time too. Looking forward to being able to make plans with EU collaborators with more certainty about how it'll all work!
#Horizon #ScienceFunding #InternationalCollaboration #Grants #HorizonEurope
#horizon #sciencefunding #internationalcollaboration #grants #horizoneurope
A mediation analysis attributed about one-third of the lower success rate for proposals by women in a #scienceFunding competition in the social sciences to the indirect effect of #disciplines, topics, and methods. Interviews with panel members further elucidated that this effect is driven by their disciplinary evaluation logic. #PeerReview can reproduce the hierarchy of disciplines and, through it, negatively affect the outcomes for women. https://doi.org/10.1177/00380385231163071
#sciencefunding #disciplines #peerreview
Feeling like a newborn here, trying to locate fellow scientists interested in #octopus #killifish #developmentalBiology #evodevo #neuroscience #sciencefunding
#octopus #killifish #developmentalbiology #evodevo #neuroscience #sciencefunding
Strong agree with agencies banning #LLMs for proposal review, but worried it's so easy to find researchers ready to go on the record supporting their use, and that the agencies don't seem to close the door if privacy concerns are solved. Yes these tools can generate a summary, but the point of writing a summary in a grant review is to show you read the proposal. Then the reviewer's work starts, emphasis on peer. #PeerReview #sciencefunding
#LLMs #PeerReview #sciencefunding
THE UK Nation Cancer Research Institute is closing down. Not good for Britain's role as a science research centre which Sunak claims to be so keen about.
#Britain #CancerResearch #NCRI #ScienceFunding #NationCancerResearchInstitute
#britain #cancerresearch #ncri #sciencefunding #nationcancerresearchinstitute
Scientific research needs fresh perspectives on funding and incentive schemes to better support its diverse challenges. In this engaging podcast interview, they explore and review the concept of a #FocusedResearchOrganization (FRO) and its non-profit startup approach to ambitious scientific projects.
#ScienceFunding #ResearchInnovation #ScienceCommunity #ClearerThinking
#Podcast #clearerthinking #ScienceCommunity #researchinnovation #sciencefunding #focusedresearchorganization
Agora, #Completas7: papel das autarquias na promoção da ciência e envolvimento da sociedade. Eu diria que esse papel pode ser fulcral. A ver o que dizem no painel...
#SciComPT23 #SciComm #SciComPT #ScienceFunding
#completas7 #scicompt23 #scicomm #SciComPT #sciencefunding
#Completas2 - a pergunta para queijinho: como financiar a comunicação de ciência e os seus profissionais?
#SciComPT23 #SciComm #ScienceFunding
#completas2 #scicompt23 #scicomm #sciencefunding
👩🔬🧪👨🔬A study from @UQ_News found Australia is lagging behind when it come to funding basic research #ScienceFunding #BasicResearch https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/a-slippery-slope-basic-research-underfunded-in-australia
#sciencefunding #basicresearch
Applies especially to scientists!
From a review summary of a rejected proposal:
"The proposal was technically detailed. The logic behind the approach was not clear to all committee members, especially those who did not have extensive mathematical or computational expertise"
#science #scientists #ScienceFunding
#science #scientists #sciencefunding
If you're working on diabetes, have a look at this from the Novo Nordisk Foundation:
"The Programme comprises three Awards annually: a winner and two runners-up. The winning project receives DKK 2 million and the runners-up DKK 0.5 million each to support research over 3 years."
#sciencefunding #diabetes
You'll never get rich by digging a ditch, but you just might find the Rosetta Stone. How many holes should be funded in the hope that one will turn out lucky?
From @martinrsmith on Twitter potentially great news:
"The EU president has confirmed *emphatically* that the work to finalise the UK's participation in the Horizon Europe research programme can *start immediately* when the NI deal is implemented."
#horizoneurope #uksciencepolicy #sciencefunding
Super-exciting Brexit news, with Sunak and von der Leyen announcing deal on Northern Ireland protocol – and as next step EU could finally re-admit UK to Horizon Europe
#sciencefunding #horizoneurope #brexit
@TheLabAndField UK Ministers reflexively say "We'll build our own with the US/Australia/other random wealthy country, and it'll be *better* than what the EU has!" in response to any instance of the UK missing out on something because of #Brexit, and it's so unserious every time.
Participation in #HorizonEurope does not preclude *additional* international science collaboration. (Case in point: I'm doing research in the US on a #Horizon2020 Fellowship right now.) Continued: 1/2
#sciencefunding #horizon2020 #horizoneurope #brexit
#TuesdayColumn: #Academics levy scorn upon their #communicators, but until the day that scholars stop actively excluding the public from their work, how else are they to rally #ScienceFunding but to let someone less exclusionary do their talking for them? #Academia #administration #communication #sciencecommunication
When Leeches Talk:
#tuesdaycolumn #academics #communicators #sciencefunding #academia #administration #communication #sciencecommunication
@erinnacland @academicchatter @oatp
"Thus, Berkeley Library’s efforts to pursue transformative publishing agreements and prioritize funding for a program subsidizing publishing fees seem like effective strategies to increase OA."
Exactly. Scientists cannot bear all the costs of open access from their own funds. Covering part of the costs from central budget is the way to go.
#OpenAccess #ScienceFunding
I am reposting this for those who missed it #sciencefunding #racistscience #racescience
#sciencefunding #racistscience #racescience
At the NSF #ScienceFunding
"The success rate of proposals led by Asian scientists is about 20 percent below the overall rate — a disparity that has persisted for two decades and runs counter to the common narrative that Asian Americans dominate the sciences and engineering fields in the United States."