Getting my archeological and anthropological geek on watching "Unknown: Cave of Bones" on Netflix.
Fascinating subject matter, recreations, etc. But the fun is watching the awe and delight of the scientists involved.
I wanted to be an archeologist back in the day but life had other plans. Still eat this stuff up with a spoon.
#archeology #anthropology #sciencegeek
Because I can't stop making more, earrings are on sale! Buy 3 get 1 free! Update your earlobe wardrobe for the Spring!
Use code: EARS2023
#ShopHandmade #BeadedEarrings #ChainmailEarrings #BlackOwned #ShopSmall #BlackFediverse #BlackMastodon #QueerOwned #WomanOwned #ScienceGeek #Fantasy
#shophandmade #beadedearrings #chainmailearrings #blackowned #shopsmall #blackfediverse #blackmastodon #queerowned #womanowned #sciencegeek #fantasy
How about some fun & geeky jewelry?
#ShopHandmade #ShopSmall #Geeky #ScienceGeek #Science #FashionablyGeeky #Fantasy #Unicorns #HelloBees #CritRoleFanArt #CriticalRole
#shophandmade #shopsmall #geeky #sciencegeek #science #fashionablygeeky #fantasy #unicorns #hellobees #critrolefanart #criticalrole
Arrived in #NOLA for #ASH22 as a family #futurehematologist #sciencegeek
#nola #ash22 #futurehematologist #sciencegeek
Leaving work well past sunset, but in time to see the start of the Mars occultation. #sciencegeek
What happens when #FloridaMan is also a bit of a #ScienceGeek? You get Kevin, aka TheBackyardScientist who I'm sure in some other universe is a villain fighting the Avengers.
#rocketknives #knives #rockets #sciencegeek #floridaman
Today begins the 19th National Week of Technology and Science. The event is hosted by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology. Until Sunday my colleagues and I will be representing our Institution and it's researches.
I'm the first from the left to the right wearing the 'Legend of Zelda' T-Shirt
#snct22 #science #technology #ScienceWeek2022 #technologyandsociety #brazil2022 #sciencegeek #history #ecology #informationscience
#snct22 #science #technology #scienceweek2022 #technologyandsociety #brazil2022 #sciencegeek #history #ecology #informationscience