Übrigens: Wir lieben Dinosaurier! Besonders wenn sie Hosen aus Malerkrepp anhaben, aus denen ihnen Regenschirme wachsen! 🤣🦖
So heute in unserer MINTA-Ferien-Science bei der Regenschirm-Challenge. Man merke sich: Auch Dinos wollen nicht im Regen stehen gelassen werden!
#minta #DinoLiebe #scienceiscool
#minta #dinoliebe #scienceiscool
Two Forms of Sexual Dimorphism in Gene Expression in Drosophila melanogaster: Their Coincidence and Evolutionary Genetics https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad091 #science #evolution #biology #scienceiscool #stem #genes #genomes #genetics
#science #Evolution #biology #scienceiscool #stem #genes #genomes #genetics
Physics Magazine has a new comic strip! This one illustrates a new planetary mechanism that may explain why the Solar System—despite its chaotic nature—displays long-term stability.
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #planet #astrophysics #space #comic #solarsystem #earth
#earth #solarsystem #comic #space #astrophysics #planet #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine
I was away for a few weeks, so posting stopped. Back now and I have a fun video to share. The video shows a fluid flow called a vortex ring removing oil from a thin, porous material in a way that cleans both of its surfaces (top and bottom) at once.
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #fluiddynamics #cleaning #vortex
#vortex #cleaning #fluiddynamics #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine
Evolution is not Uniform Along Coding Sequences https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad042 #science #evolution #biology #scienceiscool #stem #genes #genomes #genetics
#science #Evolution #biology #scienceiscool #stem #genes #genomes #genetics
Despite the hardships of the war, scientists in Ukraine continue to plan new projects and dream up new theories.
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #Ukraine #publishing #science #journals #journalism
#journalism #journals #publishing #Ukraine #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine
The bodies of the jellyfish, squid, and prawns that live in the deep ocean are so transparent to light that they are nearly invisible to the animals that prey on them. Now researchers show that crustaceans can get around this problem by overlying the pigment with a refractive photonic glass made of crystalline nanospheres.
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #nature #ocean #eye #optics
#optics #eye #ocean #nature #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine
Just add water to activate this new explosive. This simple “on-off switch” makes it safe in storage.
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #explosion #water #video #industrial
#industrial #video #water #explosion #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine
Researchers have found a way to make large, pristine atom arrays for use in quantum computing and quantum simulation. They made some fun patterns while doing so.
#quantum #quantumphysics #quantumcomputing #physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #atoms
#atoms #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine #quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #quantum
Ever wondered: “What if my breakfast cereal was magnetic?” Me neither. But a group of #physicists did for this winning video from the Gallery of #SoftMatter at the #APSMarchMeeting in Las Vegas. (Check out the story for the full #video, as well as videos for other winners).
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #fluiddynamics
#fluiddynamics #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine #video #apsmarchmeeting #softmatter #physicists
Tomorrow 1 March, 12:30 CET, Harsh Beria seminar on #Partitioning #rainfall and #snowmelt using #stableisotopes.
Register here https://uzh.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5YrdOuvqT0vGdwHxetUjMrxQUKY4PUqizMm
#Alps #trees #Swiss #ETH #ecophysiology #hydrology #scienceiscool
#partitioning #rainfall #snowmelt #stableisotopes #alps #trees #swiss #eth #ecophysiology #hydrology #scienceiscool
Green #comet passing #Earth for first time in 50,000 years.
It may never be back.
#astronomy #scienceiscool #greencomet #terra
#terra #greencomet #scienceiscool #astronomy #earth #comet
A kid on Christmas! #ScienceIsCool
RT @NASASpaceSci@twitter.com
What’s it like to unpack research that flew in space?
Dr. Luis Zea knows the feeling! These videos capture Dr. Zea’s first look at his study of yeast cells which traveled around the Moon inside @NASA_Orion@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NASASpaceSci/status/1616104497125949442
Carrot Juice is Murder!
#ArrogantWorms #Science #ScienceisCool
#scienceiscool #Science #arrogantworms
A few #joyful moments from 2022 this #NewYearsEve #JamesWebbTelescope #WonderOfNature #ScienceIsCool
#joyful #newyearseve #JamesWebbTelescope #wonderofnature #scienceiscool
New tie! Not chemistry, but it still qualifies as science, and #ScienceIsCool.
"US Department of #Energy is expected to announce Tuesday that #scientists have for the first time successfully produced a #nuclearfusion reaction resulting in a net energy gain..."
#Science #ScienceIsCool #ScienceMastodon
#ScienceMastodon #scienceiscool #science #nuclearfusion #scientists #energy
Excerpt: The DNA record confirms the presence of hare and mitochondrial DNA from animals including mastodons, reindeer, rodents and geese, all ancestral to their present-day and late Pleistocene relatives. - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05453-y #Science #ScienceIsCool #DNA #Greenland #Ecosystem #TwoMillionYears
#twomillionyears #ecosystem #greenland #dna #scienceiscool #science
NYT headline: Using a quantum computer, researchers simulated a pair of black holes and sent a message between them through a wormhole.
Wait, WHAT? #scienceiscool #quantumphysics #inthenews
#scienceiscool #quantumphysics #inthenews
Today my contribution to the betterment of society was spending my kids' nap adding 100+ refs to a manuscript from the comments of my coauthor (I KNOW there are better systems, don't get me started 😂).
In other news: I'm now a die-hard Zotero user 😎
#ScienceMastodon #scienceiscool #Zotero