📢 Wir suchen eine:n Doktorand:in in unserer Forschungsgruppe "Familie"!
Den Masterabschluss in der Tasche und Interesse an Gesundheits- und Familienforschung? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung bis zum 17.09.
Do your #PostDoc with us & discover molecular pathways for marine glycocarbon sequestration! ! 🧑🔬🧪🌊
Check this out & learn more about the positions in this #ERC funded project incl. ship- coast- and labwork:
#postdoc #erc #glycobiology #sciencejobs #womeninstem #jobs
Are you interested in working with #ESAEuclid 👩🏭 🧑🔧 👷♀️? The #EuclidConsortium and partners always have numerous job openings in #astronomy, #software, and #datascience, and across various countries. 🔭 👩💻 📝
Find them on the #AAS job register:
👉 https://jobregister.aas.org/search/node/Euclid
#ESA #DarkMatter #DarkEnergy #astrodon #science #sciencejobs #space #astronomy
#esaeuclid #euclidconsortium #astronomy #software #datascience #aas #esa #darkmatter #darkenergy #Astrodon #science #sciencejobs #space
📢 Med. Dokumentar:in gesucht im #Mortalität|s-Follow-Up der
NAKO-Gesundheitsstudie, eine der größten Gesundheitsstudien weltweit.
➡️ Erhebung und Aufarbeitung von Daten
➡️ Kommunikation und Koordination
Infos u. Bewerbung: https://bib.bund.de/DE/Institut/Stellenangebote/206-23-Medizinische-r-Dokumentar-in-NAKO.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
Our research group ‘Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics’ invites applications for a 3-year #PhD position in theoretical eco-evolutionary dynamics: https://karriere-igb.softgarden.io/job/34080089/PhD-position-in-Theoretical-Eco-Evolutionary-Dynamics-m-f-x-?jobDbPVId=86780389&l=de #ecoevo #PhDposition in #Berlin #ScienceJobs
#phd #ecoevo #phdposition #berlin #sciencejobs
Interesse, unsere Direktorin C. Katharina Spieß
als wissenschaftliche Referentin oder wissenschaftlicher Referent (w /m /d) im #Wissenschaftsmanagement zu unterstützen? Dann bis zum 30. Juni bewerben!
#sciencejobs #wissenschaftsmanagement
Do you have expertise in #DataManagement, #FAIRdata and #OpenScience? Then join us! We are looking for a Research Data Management Officer to support our researchers in developing data management plans and publishing their data: 👉 https://karriere-igb.softgarden.io/job/32760867/Referent-in-f%C3%BCr-Forschungsdatenmanagement-w-m-d-?jobDbPVId=82445895&l=de #RDM #ScienceJobs
#datamanagement #fairdata #openscience #rdm #sciencejobs
STM is looking for an editor with experience in cardiovascular/vascular research.
'The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science Translational Medicine are seeking a talented scientist, physician scientist or clinician interested in biomedical/translational research to join the Science Translational Medicine editorial team, preferably in our Washington, DC, USA or Cambridge, UK offices.'
#ScienceJobs #ScienceCommunication
#sciencejobs #sciencecommunication
The EMBO Journal @embojournal is looking for a scientific editor.
The job is on site, in Heidelberg. EMBO is an employer that provides excellent personal & family benefits.
#ScienceJobs #sciencepublishing
#sciencejobs #sciencepublishing
Many interesting positions open at PRBB Barcelona, tech, manager, training, postdocs - have a look 👇
RT @EXCInequality@twitter.com
Come work with us: das Cluster #EXCinequality sucht eine*n Forschungsreferent*in @UniKonstanz@twitter.com.
Zur Ausschreibung: https://t1p.de/p83ds
#jobsinscience #sciencejobs #research
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EXCInequality/status/1643260235874807808
#excinequality #jobsinscience #sciencejobs #research
Max Planck group leader call for all fields of research.
Deadline: May 11.
EMBO is looking for a policy officer "to develop and implement activities on research integrity and good scientific practice, research assessment, #openscience, career structures, and the composition of the research workforce."
Deadline: 12 April 2023
Wir suchen wissenschaftliche Verstärkung in der #Fertilität|sforschung und freuen uns auf Bewerbungen bis zum 30.04.
➡️ Konzeption, Durchführung und Publikation wissenschaftlicher Studien
➡️ Auswertungen von internationalen und nationalen Datensätzen
➡️ Politikberatung
#jobsinscience #sciencejobs #fertilitat
👋 A reminder that the Associate Lab #IN2PAST is receiving proposals from potential applicants to the FCT's Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (6-year research contracts).
📆 Send us your proposal by 6 April.
ℹ https://bit.ly/ceecin2past23
#histodons #Archaeodons #ScienceJobs #ArtAndScience #Heritage #Anthropology
#IN2PAST #histodons #archaeodons #sciencejobs #artandscience #heritage #anthropology
🆒 For the first time, #IN2PAST welcomes expressions of interest, as host institution, from prospective applicants to the sixth edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus.
📆 Proposals should be submitted by 6 April.
@histodons @archaeodons
@heritageedu #histodons #Archaeodons #HistoryJobs #Heritage #Arts #ScienceJobs
#IN2PAST #histodons #archaeodons #historyjobs #heritage #arts #sciencejobs
Midlife Development in the United States is a super-important, amazing, country-wide study, and the MIDUS Affneuro team is just the very best, and a great bunch of people to boot.
Apply! Come to Madison and do something that will challenge your brain, gladden your heart, and make a real positive difference!
#postdoc #sciencejobs #neuroscience #madison #wisconsin
A fully-funded, three-year postdoctoral position in theoretical neuroscience is now available at Bocconi University's Department of Computing Sciences in Milan, Italy. The postdoctoral researcher will have the chance to explore various research topics, such as movement modulation of visual responses in mice, integrating connectomes in mechanistic models of brain functions, and building normative models of neural representations, among others. The research will utilize cutting-edge approaches from statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, and machine learning, and will be informed by the latest electrophysiological and connectomic data. Prior experience with computational neuroscience is a plus, but it is not required.
The postdoc will have the opportunity to become a part of the thriving neuroscience, machine learning, and computer science communities at Bocconi University. To learn more about these communities, please visit https://cs.unibocconi.eu/ and https://bidsa.unibocconi.eu/. The postdoc will be a member of the NSF-funded Accelnet consortium "International network for brain-inspired computation," facilitating international collaborations between a large network of computational neuroscience/AI labs. At Bocconi University, we are committed to fostering a diverse intellectual community and encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply for these positions.
Applicants should apply via our on-line application system, which can be found at "www.unibocconi.eu/post-doc" (Publication nr. 65633) by 23:59 of April 17th, 2023 (Italian time).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at alessandro.sanzeni@unibocconi.it
#ScienceJobs #job #neuroscience #connectomics #academia #compneuro #computationalneuroscience #ComplexSystems #physics
#sciencejobs #job #neuroscience #connectomics #compneuro #computationalneuroscience #academia #complexsystems #physics