#b细胞受体复合物的结构 #sciencemagarchives
新发现有望为电动车产业提供源源不断的锂,这或许可以解决供应短缺的问题并进一步推动清洁能源革命。详细信息可参考:https://scim.ag/3Sk. 🔗原始的网页链接是:https://ift.tt/DZbj9Vh
研究人员成功制造出一款微型摄像头,当绑在甲虫背上时,可以展示出昆虫视角下的世界。这项技术具有潜力,将有助于深入了解昆虫行为和生态环境。这一突破性发明或将为生物学研究带来新的可能性。科技如此创新,令人赞叹!#ScienceMagArchives (266 characters) 🔗该原始网页的链接是:https://ift.tt/vpkxyP9
A 2021 #ScienceReview showed how the rapidly changing soundscape of modern oceans impacts marine life globally—and how mitigating these impacts is key to achieving a healthier ocean.
Learn more: https://scim.ag/3of #ScienceMagArchives #press
#sciencereview #sciencemagarchives #press
In 2021, researchers designed a fabric that looks like an everyday T-shirt, but can cool the body by nearly 5°C. #ScienceMagArchives https://scim.ag/3mX #press
Sperm from the American paddlefish and eggs from the Russian sturgeon created this. #ScienceMagArchives https://scim.ag/3lZ #press
Scientists are unraveling how our organs talk to the brain—and how the brain talks back.
Learn more: https://scim.ag/3lq #ScienceMagArchives #press
A 2021 #ScienceReview showed how the rapidly changing soundscape of modern oceans impacts marine life globally—and how mitigating these impacts is key to achieving a healthier ocean.
Learn more: https://scim.ag/3l1 #ScienceMagArchives #press
#sciencereview #sciencemagarchives #press
In 2021, researchers designed a fabric that looks like an everyday T-shirt, but can cool the body by nearly 5°C. #ScienceMagArchives https://scim.ag/3jH #press
Your Hershey bar may have been worth its weight in gold in Mayan times.
🍫 Learn more: https://scim.ag/3jA #ScienceMagArchives #press
RT @ScienceVisuals: Scientists are unraveling how our organs talk to the brain—and how the brain talks back.
Learn more: https://scim.ag/3iY #ScienceMagArchives #press
Forest trees grown close together can protect each other from wind damage—even from the forceful gusts of a severe tropical storm, according to a study last year in @ScienceAdvances. https://scim.ag/33N #ScienceMagArchives #press
There’s more to #RNA viruses than diseases.
In a study last year, researchers identified thousands of RNA viruses in the ocean. The sequences filled previously missing gaps, confirming hypotheses regarding the evolution of RNA viruses. https://scim.ag/2Xw #ScienceMagArchives #press
#rna #sciencemagarchives #press
In a Science study last year, researchers with the #HumanCellAtlas consortium presented the #TabulaSapiens dataset, a particularly broad cell atlas that provides a molecular definition of more than 400 cell types across 24 organs. https://scim.ag/2X7 #ScienceMagArchives #press
#humancellatlas #tabulasapiens #sciencemagarchives #press
Preparing to work on your doctoral thesis over the summer? 📝
Take some of these tips from Ph.D. students on what did—and didn't—work for them. #ScienceMagArchives @ScienceCareers https://scim.ag/2RB #press
Last year, a Science analysis of data from U.S. military recruits suggests multiple sclerosis is a complication of infection with Epstein-Barr virus. #ScienceMagArchives
Learn more: https://scim.ag/2Qu
#SciencePerspective: https://scim.ag/2Qv #press
#sciencemagarchives #scienceperspective #press
RT @ScienceMagazine
Dogs are humanity's best friend—but how long has it been that way? 🐕
This Science study investigated ancient dog genomes, revealing a complicated genetic legacy that reflects a long, shared history with humans. Learn more: https://scim.ag/2f4 #ScienceMagArchives
Dogs are humanity's best friend—but how long has it been that way? 🐕
This Science study investigated ancient dog genomes, revealing a complicated genetic legacy that reflects a long, shared history with humans. Learn more: https://scim.ag/2f4 #ScienceMagArchives #press
RT @NewsfromScience: A new generation of cancer-preventing vaccines could wipe out tumors before they form. #ScienceMagArchives https://t.co/tyst0Yxluh https://t.co/0dF91sh9yv