's Goose Glam continues with Ross's Goose! I Wintering in south-central US and breeding along the Arctic coastlines, look for these small white (white morph) and white and brown/black (blue morph) geese with migrating flocks of Snow Geese as they forage in fields during stopovers on their migration from the US to the Arctic Circle. Females incubate the eggs while the males stand guard!

#sciencemua #scicomm #sciart #BirdGlamourOfNorthAmerica #birdglamour

Last updated 2 years ago

It's Winter Duck Season with a Goldeneye Comparison! Male Common Goldeneyes perform elaborate courtship displays in the winter and spring with up to 14 different moves including the β€œhead throw kick:" he bends his head back then thrusts forward and kicks up water with his feet!

#birdglamour #sciart #scicomm #sciencemua

Last updated 2 years ago