@AnilvanderZee former professional dancer
“Many medical professionals may not fully understand the severity of ME because patients who are severely affected are often not part of the medical system anymore.
#MillionsMissing #MEAwarenessMonth #pwME #MyalgicE #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MECFS #StillSickStillFighting #MedTwitter #ScienceNotStigma #DoYouSeeMENow #WillTheDoctorSeeMENow
#subtitles #millionsmissing #meawarenessmonth #pwme #myalgice #myalgicencephalomyelitis #mecfs #stillsickstillfighting #medtwitter #sciencenotstigma #DoYouSeeMeNow #willthedoctorseemenow
Pennsylvania introduces law which makes spitting at a Police Officer a third-degree felony, punishable by up to 7 years in prison and a $15,000 fine, if you live with #HIV.
I'm not here to defend non-consensual spitting but SPITTING DOES NOT PASS ON HIV!
#ScienceNotStigma #FactsNotFear
#FactsNotFear #sciencenotstigma #hiv