When I was a kid at summer camp, we made "solar cookers"- except that they didn't cook anything! Turns out, just painting a shoebox black and lining it with foil doesn't work. I've been sour on #solarcooker projects with kids ever since, until now.
I decided to make it my end of year class project with my students and do it RIGHT. I made a prototype to teach myself before starting on theirs.
Now I'm obsessed with #solarcooking . This little #solaroven made from trash has cooked vegetable curry, Mexican rice, lentils (from dry!) cinnamon rolls, and blueberry cobbler (all #veganfood of course). I've devoured pages and pages of the Solar Cooking Wiki from SCI and everything solar cooking related at Low Tech Magazine. Help, this is amazing.
#scienceteacher #scienceproject
#SolarCooker #solarCooking #solaroven #veganfood #scienceteacher #scienceproject
Grade 5 #ScienceProject leads to #water quality #testing at school in northern #Quebec
#quebec #testing #water #scienceproject
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 3/29:
Extract DNA from your own spittle and cheek-scrapings! It's fun and educational*, and you can then use it to create a mindlessly loyal clone army .
Boost and add your own!
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #ScienceProject #CloneArmy
* No, really. See here: https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/how-to-extract-dna-at-home/
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #scienceproject #clonearmy