#AmateurAstronomy #ScienceRules
"The UTC Chemistry and Physics department hosted a Solar #Telescopy event for UTC Welcome Week. Thank you to the Barnard Astronomical Society members who brought their solar scopes (and one who streamed live from home) for solar viewing. It was a nice, hot day to see the sun! Students also learned about the Clarence T. Jones Observatory!"
#amateurastronomy #sciencerules #telescopy #keeplookingup
#ScienceRules ---
(Coincidentally, can someone point me to the edge of the Earth? I'd love to buy property there.)
Thrilled to meet a fellow space enthusiast, @speck! Keep exploring those celestial realms. 🌌🚀 #SpaceExploration #TinyTowerTales #ScienceRules #SpeckMeetsAstronaut #BitBook
#spaceexploration #tinytowertales #sciencerules #speckmeetsastronaut #bitbook
It's #DyddDilyn #FF #FollowFriday 👍
🔭 @coreyspowell Co-host of #ScienceRules
🎨 @Curator (and follow #curatorprompts )
📷 @Welshgrumpygit great landscape #Photography
🦆 @majamielkephoto #nature and #wildlife photos
📰 @zekuzelalem covering #Ethiopia and Horn of #Africa
📖 @queeromanceink home of #flirtatiousfictionfriday
⚽ And can we please get @wxmafc to 100 followers! Live #Wrexham coverage of every. single. match.
#wrexham #flirtatiousfictionfriday #africa #ethiopia #wildlife #nature #photography #CuratorPrompts #sciencerules #followfriday #ff #dydddilyn
#AntiVaxxers & #DENIERS of all makes & models, CANCELED Science, Logic, Peer-reviewed proof & the best information we had at the time.
DENIERS canceled all of this FROM THE GET-GO.
DENIERS are the ones who invented cancel culture.
#antivaxxers #deniers #selfish #sciencerules
#ScienceRules and science says Mysterians need your land and ladies #Monsterdon
Of course I need more books. (From the Princeton sale).
#biology #biomechanics #nerd #sciencerules
#Scimandan is on holidays and has a guest for #tinfoiltuesdays #mrsensible This is truly wonderful. #sciencerules https://youtu.be/4hCu_Ispw2I
#sciencerules #mrsensible #tinfoiltuesdays #scimandan
¡¡Ya somos 8000🥳🥳‼️
En esta cuenta hablamos de CIENCIA👩🏻🔬y de CÁDIZ🏖🎭.
#ScienceRules #WomenInScience #Cádiz #CarnavaldeCadiz2023
Secundariamente de todo un poco, y no, no se ha opinado sobre lo q LIBREMENTE debe o no hacer Shakira o mi vecina Pepi😉.
#carnavaldecadiz2023 #cadiz #womeninscience #sciencerules
Another episode showcasing the untold story of the first programmer of the EMAIC and they were women mathematicians.
Seems that men thought programming was woman's work.
#donterasehistory #womenprogrammers #sciencerules
#TIL that scientists took jellyfish into space to let them breed. Once they were adults they took them back to earth and they had some vertigo. 🤔
[Read here: https://preview.tinyurl.com/JelliesInSpace]
I also learned how to treat stings, though with all these lakes I'm not likely to need that knowledge. :blobcatthumbsup:
#ScienceRules #Space #TodayILearned #SpaceJellies #Jellyfish #Nature
#til #sciencerules #space #todayilearned #spacejellies #jellyfish #nature
« The #MAGIConlinemeeting2020 is a wrap!For one week, MAGICians came together in a virtual room every day to discuss recent developments in various projects! (1/5)🤩#theMAGICcollaboration #astrophysics #science #telescopes #sciencerules #sciencerocks #astronomy #MAGICmeeting https://t.co/RuKezIMcuu »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/MAGICtelescopes/status/1276484920425230342
#magiconlinemeeting2020 #themagiccollaboration #astrophysics #science #telescopes #sciencerules #sciencerocks #astronomy #magicmeeting
the last things DART saw before impact
#dart #nasa #science #sciencerules #cosmicheadbanging #boom
Was alles wissenschaftlich und philosophisch hinter den fantastischen & faszinierenden Bildern vom James Webb-Teleskop steckt, ist ganz eindeutig eine große Inspiration hinter dem aktuellen Album „Ad Astra“ #sciencerules
President Biden reveals the James Webb Space Telescope's stunning first image
@wim_v12e listened to Bill Nye #ScienceRules w William McDonough, architect & author of "Cradle to Cradle" during a walk tonight
McDonough touted buildings as resource storage, eg rather than paying 80 Euro/sqft to destroy them, the materials can be sold for 150 Euro/sqft
Also making building from trees and building for carbon and energy negative
And working w NASA engineers who had designed systems for space
time lapse of Giant Magellan Telescope mirror being created at the #MirrorLab in Tucson
Highly recommend the lab tour
#sciencerules #scienceisreal #mirrorlab
LightSail 2 documentary from the #PlanetarySociety premiers tomorrow at 13:00 eastern (UTC-4)
They're also looking for donations to extend the missing for #LightSail 2
#sciencerules #scienceisreal #billnye #SpaceOrigami #lightsail #planetarysociety