What are you curious about?
Find out in my new story where I explore emotions & feelings, & their relationship with curiousity & inspiration.
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Image / Artem Podrez @ Pexels
#sciencelover #instagramers #sciencestory #visualstoryteller #brain #mind #saltywave #science
If you’re a #scientist & thinking about what kind of video to include in your social media tool kit, why not consider a #VideoTestimonial.
Enquire with SaltyWave.com.au to learn more.
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Hey everybody! I’ve published a new #saltywave promo video via #YouTube!
Jump on the link & don’t forget to like 💙 & subscribe 🙂 to follow my SaltyWave Channel 🎬🧬
Connect with me via the website - www.SaltyWave.com.au
I do all the work while you do all the fun stuff like making discoveries and developing applications that create a better world to live in!
#visualstoryteller #sciencevideo #sciencestory #promovideo #videostories #MastodonVideo
#MastodonVideo #videostories #promovideo #sciencestory #sciencevideo #visualstoryteller #youtube #saltywave
An interesting selection of stories about science topics available.
Subscribe to follow @Saltywave.
#saltywave #visualstoryteller #sciencestory #curiositiesofscience
#curiositiesofscience #sciencestory #visualstoryteller #saltywave
A short take on why I came to be where I am now - a visual storyteller!
Subscribe to follow my stories for free via Wordpress!
#visualstoryteller #sciencestory #saltywave #science #contentcreator #sciencevideo
#behindthescenes #interview
Poster Image by Gabrielle Ahern
#interview #behindthescenes #sciencevideo #contentcreator #science #saltywave #sciencestory #visualstoryteller
People share misconceptions about data and what it represents.
But data is not difficult to understand or appreciate once you know what it is & how it is used.
Subscribe for free to learn more.
#sciencestory #data #science #saltywave
Salty Wave captures your research story on video.
I do all the work while you do all the fun stuff like making new discoveries & developing applications to create a better world to live in!
Connect with Gabrielle Ahern to book your next project!
#sciencestory #saltywave #sciencevideo #visualstoryteller
If you are keen to use visual #storytelling to share your research work with the global community >> subscribe to learn how #sciencevideoproduction by #saltywave can help maximise your reach & engagement 🧬🦠🔭
Follow the link!
#sciencevideo ##science #scienceandtechnology #sciencestory
Poster image / Pexels
#sciencestory #scienceandtechnology #science #sciencevideo #saltywave #sciencevideoproduction #storytelling
Salty Wave specialises in creating high quality videos to showcase science research.
Let’s connect & collaborate!
Gabrielle Ahern
Salty Wave
#saltywave #visualstoryteller #sciencevideo #videoproducer #contentcreator #sciencestory #sciencevideo #researchlife #researchers #exploremore
#exploremore #researchers #researchlife #sciencestory #contentcreator #Videoproducer #sciencevideo #visualstoryteller #saltywave #explainervideo #promotionalvideo
Here is my new promo video describing how I simplify complex information into all kinds of explainer video presentations for the global community.
To learn more, connect with Salty Wave®
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