Anyone know a scientist who specializes in plant gall formation and doesn't mind answering some questions from a curious grad student? I'm interested in the interaction between insects and plants and which part is contributed by the insect and which the plant.
#entomology #botany #PlantMorphology #ScienceTooter #ScienceMastodon
#entomology #botany #plantmorphology #sciencetooter #ScienceMastodon
I have been run off my feet for a long time now, so it's been hard for me to make the usual investment I make in learning a new platform. Given that Mastodon relies on hashtags more than the birdsite, which hashtags are particularly hopping when it comes to finding the kind of smartass, progressive, creative science community we created on the birdsite?
#stem #science #ScienceMastodon #sciencetooter
Nunca hice una publicación para presentarme como es debido así que ahí va: soy Yasmín, estudiante de biología en la URJC, esclava de dos gatas adorables que me tienen loca. Soy comunista y estoy en contra de las pseudociencias.
Luna es la gata vaca y Tharis la tigresa.
#catsofmastodon #cats #catcontent #sciencetooter
#catsofmastodon #cats #catcontent #sciencetooter
#introduction #machinelearning #AI #research #sciencetooter #twitterefugee #deeplearning #ai4science
Hey people! 🤠
Seems like intro toots are a thing. So here is mine:
I am a machine learning researcher (FU Berlin, DeepMind, soon Microsoft Research) working on generative models for molecules.
Follow me for toots on ML research, ML software, applied math, stats and probabilty 🤓
More context on
Looking forward to tooting around with you folks! 🤩
#Introduction #machinelearning #ai #research #sciencetooter #twitterefugee #deeplearning #ai4science