If you are interested in #Geoscience or indeed #Science in general, @allochthonous has done an amazing thing and assembled a directory of accounts - take a look, and add yourself if relevant.
#newonmastodon #sciencetwittermigration #ScienceMastodon #science #geoscience
I enjoy #Mastodon and I think it will gradually replace #sciencetwitter and accelerate #ScienceTwitterMigration
I don't think I will miss the virtue signalling and harassment on Twitter, but I worry that Mastodon is somewhat of an academic filter bubble of left-leaning liberals.
Don't misinterpret this: I am firmly located on the left myself (though I consider myself a #socialist, not a liberal), but I appreciate a bit of ideological diversity as a way to sharpen my intellect. 1/
#Mastodon #sciencetwitter #sciencetwittermigration #socialist
Ok it seems like the #ScienceTwitterMigration is in full swing! Now where are the #algae #phycology people? And because it's #PhycologyFriday, here's a veritable forest of #Lemanea (summer 2022)
#sciencetwittermigration #algae #phycology #PhycologyFriday #lemanea