Lucas Erichsen · @lerichsen
35 followers · 5 posts · Server

Today begins the 19th National Week of Technology and Science. The event is hosted by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology. Until Sunday my colleagues and I will be representing our Institution and it's researches.

I'm the first from the left to the right wearing the 'Legend of Zelda' T-Shirt

#snct22 #science #technology #scienceweek2022 #technologyandsociety #brazil2022 #sciencegeek #history #ecology #informationscience

Last updated 2 years ago

If you missed Prof. Peter Gallagher discussing Hamilton's connections with space flight on RTE Future Island Live last night, it is now available to watch on RTE player here:

#DIASdiscovers #DIASCosmic75 #scienceweek2022 #scienceweek

Last updated 2 years ago