Good YouTube:
5 Amusing & Witty Sci-Fi Short Stories | Bedtime for Adults
A good reader reading five excellent old SF stories.
#youtube #spokenword #scientfiction
New instance #Introduction #Reinstroduction
I'm Matthew (he/they), and I teach #Math at a #CommunityCollege in #Missouri. My friends, spouse, and I are #Leftist in a sea of GOP folk.
I enjoy #VideoGames #BoardGames #CardGames #Reading #Books #SFF #ScientFiction #Fantasy #horror #Technology #VinylRecords #NPR #Camping #Theology #Liturgy
Started undergrad as a #ComputerScience major before pursuing #Education, and I still enjoy tinkering. I host my own #CalibreServer on a #RaspberryPi. #Geek
#introduction #reinstroduction #math #communitycollege #missouri #leftist #videogames #boardgames #cardgames #reading #books #sff #scientfiction #fantasy #horror #technology #vinylrecords #npr #camping #theology #liturgy #computerscience #education #calibreserver #raspberrypi #geek