RT @FraOsborne
#SCICERO is our last #DeepLearning and #NLP solution for extracting claims about methods, tasks, and materials from the #ScientificLiterature. Produced a #KnowledgeGraph (CS-KG, https://w3id.org/cskg/) of 41M statements from 7M articles. Paper: https://oro.open.ac.uk/85472/
#knowledgegraph #scientificLiterature #nlp #deeplearning #scicero
Moving towards a measure-able #SoilCarbon model, the MEMS #model centers mineral saturation as a primary driver SOC dynamics. Robertson etal 2019 https://bg.copernicus.org/articles/16/1225/2019/ showing that model-data integration doesn't have to be complicated.
#ScientificLiterature #Biogoechemistry
[[Personal note: Ok I will acknowledge that I don't entirely agree with all their approaches/conclusions here, but still a good paper to read.]]
#SoilCarbon #model #scientificLiterature #biogoechemistry
Making #ontologies talk with each other and data in #AgrifoodSystems is challenging and building a #CommunityOfPractice is critical for both development (creation/curation) and adoption (dissemination/annotation). #ProliferationOfStandards remains an obvious issue in the field. Arnaud etal 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2020.100105
#ontologies #agrifoodsystems #communityofpractice #proliferationofstandards #scientificLiterature #data #agriculture #governance
Looking at #soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh) through the lens of precipitation driven biomass dynamics. Hourly Rh & precip from #FluxNet sites were correlated via soil moisture within a biomass framework.
Huang etal 2021 https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2115283118 found that precip can be a significant explainer of temperature corrected Rh
#Soil #Biogeochemistry #ScientificLiterature #CriticalZone #FluxTower #MicrobesInClimateModels
[Personal note - Clever use of 'microbial' models here!]
#soil #fluxnet #biogeochemistry #scientificLiterature #criticalzone #fluxtower #microbesinclimatemodels
Ever wonder how much #carbon is in #wetland #ecosystems (#permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #Swamps)? "Lots!" is of course the answer but how much is lots? Temmink etal 2022 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn1479 Highlights the importance of belowground carbon storage for these ecosystems.
#ScientificLiterature #Biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #CriticalZone
[Personal note - Uncertainties look low to me but ball park seems consistent and useful!]
#carbon #wetland #ecosystems #permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #swamps #scientificLiterature #biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #criticalzone
#TreeMortality is often neglected in #EarthSystemModels. Global veg models are often very satellite driven leading to detailed #photosynthesis models (dependent on in solar radiation, temperature, and moisture) but less detailed tree death (often just proportional to biomass).
Yu etal 2022 ( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29619-4 ) used #MachineLearning to better estimate tree mortality. => Generally reduced expected #LandCarbonStocks.
#treemortality #EarthSystemModels #photosynthesis #machinelearning #landcarbonstocks #biogeochemistry #scientificLiterature
The story of a virtual conference during #COVID, told as a fairytale: Fisher etal 2020 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020JG006148 #ScientificLiterature #HowToScience
#covid #scientificLiterature #howtoscience
I enjoy being physically active, and reading. I’ll read anything from manga to #scientificLiterature primarily relating to performance, but more recently relating to health and longevity. Watching #movies is a hobby of mine, particularly old movies. I am a #videogames fan as well. Big #football fan as well.
#introduction #scientificLiterature #movies #videogames #football
Launch of Translate Science https://blog.translatescience.org/launch-of-translate-science/
We are a new working group that wants to build tools to make #translations of scientific articles/reports/books, abstracts, titles and terms more accessible and (thus) stimulate the production of such translations.
#Introduction #Introductions #translation #science #scientificLiterature #ScholarlyLiterature #OpenScience #OpenAccess
#helloworld #PleaseBoost #translations #introduction #introductions #translation #science #scientificLiterature #ScholarlyLiterature #OpenScience #openaccess