#mosquitoes prefer to rest in a cool spot. This seemingly minor point actually calls into question how #scientificmodels predict outbreaks of #diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
#mosquitoes #scientificModels #diseases
A re- #introduction in this new instance:
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research of the Université de Montréal https://michalis.famelis.info/
I work to create formal but practical techniques and methods for #softwareEngineering. I specialize on modelling and managing #uncertainty and #variability. I draw from #formalVerification, #MDE, and #empiricalSE.
I recently became very interested in #scientificModels as software artifacts.
#scientificModels #empiricalSE #mde #formalverification #Variability #uncertainty #softwareengineering #introduction