How do journals publishing palliative and end-of-life care research report ethical approval and informed consent?
#bioethics #BiomedicalResearch #BodilHolmberg #Ethics #GertHelgesson #KnutJrgenVie #ScientificCommunication #StefanEriksson #ToveGodskesen #WilliamBlow
#bioethics #Biomedicalresearch #bodilholmberg #ethics #gerthelgesson #knutjrgenvie #scientificcommunication #stefaneriksson #tovegodskesen #williamblow
Impact of publisher’s commercial or non-profit orientation on editorial practices: Moving towards a more strategic approach to supporting editorial staff
#KatarinaKrape #ScholarlyCommunication #ScientificCommunication
#katarinakrape #scholarlycommunication #scientificcommunication
Pour quelles revues et publishers les chercheurs d’une université pluridisciplinaire travaillent-ils ?
#CaseStudy #France #MaxenceLarrieu #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#casestudy #France #maxencelarrieu #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
People who have created a fediverse account for your lab: how did you decide on a server?
We want to share our research updates with a lab account, but there are so many considerations to make regarding moderation, federation, donation, visibility, etc etc 🫨
#Academia #FediMigration #Mastodon #SciComm #ScientificCommunication #Research #Fediverse #FediMeta #Lab #ResearchLab #Outreach #Education #SocialMedia
#socialmedia #education #outreach #researchlab #lab #FediMeta #fediverse #research #scientificcommunication #scicomm #mastodon #fedimigration #academia
Publication and collaboration anomalies in academic papers originating from a paper mill: Evidence from a Russia-based paper mill
#AcademicMisconduct #AnnaAbalkina #ghostwriting #PredatoryJournals #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchMisconduct #Russia #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#academicMisconduct #annaabalkina #ghostwriting #predatoryJournals #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchMisconduct #russia #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Viewing research assessment, the academic reward system, and academic publishing through the power/knowledge lens of Foucault
#ResearchAssessment #ScientificCommunication #TimothyDBowman
#researchassessment #scientificcommunication #timothydbowman
Simulating and Contrasting the Game of Open Access in Diverse Cultural Contexts: A Social Simulation Model
#JacintoDavila #OpenAccess #OswaldoTern #ScientificCommunication
#jacintodavila #openaccess #oswaldotern #scientificcommunication
Global visibility of publications through Digital Object Identifiers
#DOI #GrischaFraumann #HoucemeddineTurki #MohamedAliHadjTaieb #MohamedBenAouicha #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#doi #grischafraumann #houcemeddineturki #mohamedalihadjtaieb #mohamedbenaouicha #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Interventions in scholarly communication: Design lessons from public health
#JessicaPolka #MicahAltman #OpenAccess #PhilipNCohen #PublicHealth #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication
#jessicapolka #micahaltman #openaccess #philipncohen #publichealth #scholarlyPublishing #scientificcommunication
Science vs intuition
...intuition is a crappy tool for understanding the world. System 1 wasn't built for that purpose. It was built for speed. #Intuition can't understand a terrestrial ball. It doesn't expect a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly. It can't help you understand how ice can fall from the sky an hour after the temperature peaked (in Tucson) at 105 F (40 C). It has never seen continents move.
#blaugust2023 #scientificcommunication #scienceblogging #intuition
genuine and terrified question: what do we as scientists do now re: the massive rise in conspiracist anti-vax / anti-medicine / climate change denial / general mistrust of science rhetoric? it seems even in just the last 6 months to have gotten so much worse, especially following the 15 minute cities protests in the uk, rogan/musk on twitter hounding vaccine scientists, etc
#ScienceMastodon #SciComms #scientificcommunication
I work for a company that deals extensively with ‘lay summaries’ – short descriptions of academic articles that are easier for the general public to understand. I’ve never read a summary that was as easy and fun to read as this *entire* paper documenting psychological research. Honestly, give it a read: for PDF; for a mobile-friendly version #ScienceCommunication #ScientificCommunication
#sciencecommunication #scientificcommunication
Hi! I'm Lucas. I'm a Master's student at the Graduate Program in Information Science - PPGCIN from the Faculty of Librarianship and Communication - Fabico at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. I develop volunteer projects in different areas. I'm interested in #communication and #science, with an emphasis on #scientificcommunication, #scicom, #historyofscience, #photography, #museum, #information, #journalism and #paleontology.
#communication #Science #scientificcommunication #scicom #historyofscience #photography #Museum #information #Journalism #paleontology
I‘m from Germany and a biologist by training - though I haven‘t done any research of my own in the last 18 years.
Professional interests are #ScientificCommunication and #MedicalCommunication.
Other interests are #History, #Pets and other #Animals, #Arts and #BritishComedy.
#scientificcommunication #medicalcommunication #history #pets #animals #arts #britishcomedy #introduction
Hi Mastodon! I’m joining the great #twittermigration and I guess that means I should re-introduce myself. I’m a newly-minted sleep researcher and ex-PhD student in #linguistics. In my academic career I focused on language acquisition, especially #bilingual development, #syntax and #phonology. Nowadays I work on #sleep, #neuroscience, and #scientificcommunication. I reckon you can expect to see a healthy mix of those and other topics in my upcoming toots.
#scientificcommunication #neuroscience #sleep #phonology #syntax #bilingual #linguistics #twittermigration