First time started to have a look on Julia. I re-wrote the mesh generators from FElupe in Julia. It's a great language - I have the feeling that I wrote very readable code. However, sometimes I came across (multi-dimensional) arrays as expected but some other calculations resulted in vectors of matrices, or vectors of vectors of vectors. How can I convert the latter ones to arrays?
#julia #programming #scientificcomputing #computationalmechanics
#ComputationalMechanics #scientificcomputing #programming #julia
FElupe - A Python package for Finite Element Analysis, Version 7.8.0 is available on PyPI. Now with mesh-generators for the elementary shapes line, rectangle, cube, triangle and circle.
#computationalmechanics #scientificcomputing #python #opensource #finiteelements
#FiniteElements #opensource #python #scientificcomputing #ComputationalMechanics
FElupe - A Python package for Finite Element Analysis, Version 7.8.0 is available on PyPI. Now with mesh-generators for the elementary shapes line, rectangle, cube, triangle and circle.
#computationalmechanics #scientificcomputing #python #opensource #finiteelements
#FiniteElements #opensource #python #scientificcomputing #ComputationalMechanics
A very common question in many forums is why some languages, such as #JuliaLang, doesn't compute 0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3 correctly. Check for my latest video and post on the subject.
#floatingpoint #scientificcomputing #julialang
In the end, they do an interdiscplinary master thesis and go out into the world as a computational scientist fit for the 2020s, where a leading question is how we combine physics based and data based modelling.
The one program is for physicists and mathematicians with a strong background in mathematics and you can focus on #computationalphysics, #scientificcomputing or computational geosciences:
#scientificcomputing #computationalPhysics
5 real-world Python applications - From web development frameworks to machine learning libraries, Py... - #scientificcomputing #programminglanguage #pythonapplications #real-worldimpact #webdevelopment #dataanalysis #iot
#iot #dataanalysis #webdevelopment #real #pythonapplications #programminglanguage #scientificcomputing
We published our open-access paper about damage mechanisms of air spring bellows and how to obtain a representative specimen design for cord-rubber composite materials.
The scripts for the simulation, including a Jupyter notebook which may be executed in Google Colab, is available on GitHub.
#hyperelasticity #damage #composite #rubber #cord #airspring #bellow #python #fea #finiteelements #scientificcomputing #scientific #opensource
#opensource #scientific #scientificcomputing #FiniteElements #fea #python #bellow #airspring #cord #rubber #composite #damage #hyperelasticity
For my #fortran tensor toolbox (module) I'd like to add some unit tests. Unfortunately, my knowledge and experience in Fortran ends with writing this little toolbox and some user materials for #fea software like #abaqus or #marc. Do you have any recommendation or tutorials on how to add unit tests to a #fortran module? Ideally with Github Actions integration... đź’ˇ Thanks!
#fea #scientificcomputing #fortran #finiteelement #unittests
#unittests #FiniteElement #scientificcomputing #marc #abaqus #fea #fortran
Hello, I am a mathematician working at #LundUniversity in Sweden. My research is in #ScientificComputing for a sustainable world, more specifically about iterative solvers for the simulation of all sorts of flows, e.g. in the atmosphere.
I am interested in many things, will mostly post about Scientific Computing, #OpenScience, climate change.
#introduction #OpenScience #scientificcomputing #LundUniversity
Stumbled across for “Better Scientific Software” and really enjoying the articles. Covering topics from “how do we plan software” through code review and writing for “leadership computing facilities” (top flight, national lab level #HPC)
#SoftwareDevelopment #ScientificComputing #HighPerformanceComputing #DevOps
#HPC #softwaredevelopment #scientificcomputing #HighPerformanceComputing #DevOps
I am excited to announce that I will be attending #pearc2023 in Portland, Oregon this year to chat about all things #ubuntu, #hpc, and #scientificcomputing. I will be joining several of my former colleagues to lead a BoF panel session about container usage and training at HPC centers. You can read up more about our panel here:
Attending PEARC 2023, or interest in using Ubuntu for your HPC work, and want to meet up? Feel free to send me a DM here!
#pearc2023 #ubuntu #hpc #scientificcomputing
Now seems like a good time for an #introduction post!
For work, I am a #SoftwareEngineer for a #Nuclear energy company. I help write software to help nuclear engineers design reactors. Mostly #Python but working on my #CPlusPlus and #Rust / #RustLang lately.
Got bit by the #OpenSource and #OpenScience bugs a few years back and wanting to do more.
Other interests: #DevOps #ScientificComputing #ClimateScience
#introduction #softwareengineer #nuclear #python #cplusplus #rust #rustlang #opensource #openscience #DevOps #scientificcomputing #climatescience
Wir suchen eine #StudentischeHilfskraft (m/w/d) Physikalische #Ingenieurwissenschaft, #ScientificComputing, #Maschinenbau, #Bauingenieurwesen, #Mechanik o vgl zur Mitarbeit in einem Projekt, dass digitale Zwillingen für Brücken erforscht. Jetzt bewerben👉
#studentischehilfskraft #ingenieurwissenschaft #scientificcomputing #maschinenbau #Bauingenieurwesen #Mechanik
:ferris: vs :julia:
My talk about "Rust vs Julia in scientific computing" is confirmed!
I am very excited about it :D
Only 7 minutes, but that is fine for the first public talk :)
The talk will be recorded and I will write a blog post about it. Stay tuned :D
You can still register to the free online conference "Scientific Computing in Rust":
#rustlang #rust #julia #scientificcomputing
you can write pretty performant code based on your textbook knowledge and accumulated wisdom...but writing high-performance code has always, and will i think always, be an empirical process.
you *have* to measure
you *have* to experiment
you *have* to tinker
you *have* to remember making sense isn't a prerequisite
compilers are weird. hardware is fallible. developers are myopic.
#coding #gpulife #hpc #scientificcomputing
Is anyone aware of #Rust projects working on multidimensional array support? It would be a huge win for #ScientificComputing / #DataScience communities
#rust #scientificcomputing #DataScience #rustlang
Our team got a hands-on overview of programming language Julia's key features by our colleague Abel Siqueira. He installed Pluto (an interactive notebook environment for Julia), showed some code, and highlighted differences between Julia, Python, and C++.
#julialang #python #scientificcomputing #researchcode
Is it fine to re-boost oneself? My "Hello world" again. I am birdsite-free, and now facebook-free. Still like to put an eye on the lil screen, read, sometimes write my thoughts, get project inspo and motivation
#deeplearning #neuroscience #python #julialang #scientificcomputing #physics
#deeplearning #neuroscience #Python #julialang #scientificcomputing #physics
The next CodeRefinery workshop is soon - March 21-23&28-30, online&in-person !
#Coderefinery is the bridge between academic courses and practical #ScientificComputing - all the stuff you need to know but aren't taught. And it's like an intermediate-level #Carpentries workshop if that's your thing.
It changes people's careers. Topics include #git, #ReproducibleResearch, #documentation, #testing, modular code development, and more.
#Coderefinery #scientificcomputing #carpentries #git #reproducibleresearch #documentation #testing #hpc #rseng #scicomp
Greg Poole giving a great summary of what #ADACS can do for you! #ANITA2023 #scientificcomputing #astrophysics
#adacs #anita2023 #scientificcomputing #astrophysics