“news outlets do a poor job informing the public about the #ScientificConsensus on hot-button issues such as #vaccination, #NuclearPower and #GeneticallyModifiedFoods — even when it’s directly relevant to their coverage.” https://noc.social/@CaulfieldTim/110923474182533536
#scientificconsensus #vaccination #NuclearPower #geneticallymodifiedfoods
#TheSwirl: a condition in which certainty is continually contested, divided, and multiplied. #Monsanto has funded agroscience departments and #research institutes and the #agrochemical #industry has blurred “the lines between reliable and biased #science” in such a way that “makes it impossible to either discredit or believe the #ScientificConsensus” on #glyphosates like #Roundup.
#theswirl #monsanto #research #agrochemical #industry #science #scientificconsensus #glyphosates #Roundup
#TheSwirl: a condition in which certainty is continually contested, divided, and multiplied. Monsanto has funded agroscience departments and #research institutes and the #agrochemical #industry has blurred “the lines between reliable and biased #science” in such a way that “makes it impossible to either discredit or believe the #ScientificConsensus”.
#theswirl #research #agrochemical #industry #science #scientificconsensus
Agree with this author: it's maddening.
‘Both-Sidesing the Climate Story’
#ColumbiaJournalismReview #KylePope
#ClimateJustice #ClimateChange
“It is maddening that, this far into the #ClimateCrisis, #news outlets continue to dither as to whether a single #weather event is related to the now-undeniable, violent changes in Earth’s weather. …
“The overwhelming #ScientificConsensus is that Earth is #warming, that man-made causes are to blame, and that one result is more extreme weather precisely like what we’ve seen this week on the #WestCoast. And yet the search for definitive causation—for hard proof that global shifts in climate produced a single event in one corner of one town—has become an odious tendency among journalists looking to create tension when there is none.”
#columbiajournalismreview #kylepope #ClimateJustice #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #news #Weather #scientificconsensus #warming #westcoast
@StrassenKatze There was a long scientific debate since the mid-1800s about the origins of #birds — whether they came from #dinosaurs or not. The scientific consensus that birds are dinosaurs only came about around 2011!
#evolution #ScientificConsensus
#birds #dinosaurs #evolution #scientificconsensus
#scientificconsensus that #conversiontherapy is ineffective at changing a person's #sexualorientation or #genderidentity and that it frequently causes significant, long-term #psychologicalharm in individuals who undergo it.[2]
#scientificconsensus #conversiontherapy #sexualorientation #genderidentity #psychologicalharm
If 97 engineers told you that driving across a new bridge would result in the bridge's collapse and your death, would you follow the advice of the other 3? If you deny #scientificconsensus in favor of fringe science, you are doing just that. The fringe science may be correct, but don't rush to judgement and trust the #scientificmethod that has worked for hundreds of years.
Thanks to @neiltyson for this clear analogy of mainstream vs fringe #science
#scientificconsensus #scientificmethod #Science
There are different ways of countering #misinformation. If there is a high level of general agreement among experts on societally contested issues (e.g. whether COVID19 is caused by 5G) then communicating this #scientificconsensus can help realign public views with #expertopinion
#misinformation #scientificconsensus #expertopinion
Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature
#scientificConsensus #ClimateChange #science
#scientificconsensus #ClimateChange #science
I usually say that there are four riders of the antiscience apocalypse - antievolucionism, rejection of the #scientificconsensus on #climatechange, anti-GMO and anti-vaccine movement. The latter, "antivaxxers", has devastating consequences.
#scientificconsensus #climatechange