#academic #scientificdata We have loads of data around the lab. It's challenging knowing who has what where. Is there some (#freesoftware, #Python preferred) tool so that we can organise this? Should allow listing and querying metadata and hopefully, retrieving stuff via web. Chaos of formats including geospatial as well as CSV etc @pybonacci
#python #FreeSoftware #scientificdata #academic
FAIR principles https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/ are a guide for making #ScientificData more useable. Some sites that aspire to these goals for #SpacePhysics data include:
Planetary Data System https://pds.nasa.gov/
SPASE https://spase-group.org/
Heliophysics Data Portal https://heliophysicsdata.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Coordinated Data Analysis Web https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/
NASA Open Data Portal https://data.nasa.gov/
There are hundreds of sites with tools, standards references, and repositories. What are your favorites?
New #research paper led by Heather Chamberlain at WorldPop - High-resolution estimates of social distancing feasibility, mapped for #urban areas in sub-Saharan #Africa - in #ScientificData #Covid19 #NPIs #socialdistancing
Mapped index data: https://wopr.worldpop.org/?/SocialDistancing
Visualised on the #GRID3 data hub: https://data.grid3.org/search?categories=social%20distancing%20index.
The work is part of the #Grid3 project, funded by #gatesfoundation and #FCDOGovUK
Project summary: https://www.worldpop.org/current-projects/grid3-covid19-scale-up
Paper: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01799-0
#research #urban #Africa #scientificdata #COVID19 #npis #socialdistancing #grid3 #gatesfoundation #fcdogovuk
RT @amarois
[Conférence] - "Droit des données de la recherche. Science ouverte, innovation, données publiques" par Agnès Robin (@LICeM_UM ) ➡️ https://www.mshsud.tv/spip.php?article1073
Les étudiants du @DuDonnees seront attentifs !
#data #researchdata #opendata #droit #RDM #DUSDM #scientificdata #openscience
#data #researchdata #opendata #droit #rdm #DUSDM #scientificdata #openscience
US government to make all research it funds open access on publication - Enlarge / Alondra Nelson, President Joe Biden's pick for OSTP Deputy Di... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1876279 #scientificpublishing #scientificdata #openaccess #science #policy
#policy #science #openaccess #scientificdata #scientificpublishing