Benedikt · @bhaug
255 followers · 1052 posts · Server

Sci-Hub creator Alexandra Elbakyan will receive the prestigeous Electric Frontiers Foundation's EFF Award 2023 - this is a big slap in the face that this shameful industry deserves and a big recognition for Alexandra's achievements and courageous work:

Former award winners include Linus Torvalds, Vint Cerf and Chelsea Manning .


#neocolonialism #research #scihub #mastoscience #science #scientificfreedom

Last updated 1 year ago

Benedikt · @bhaug
255 followers · 1052 posts · Server

Scientific publishing is a predatory and highly profitanle business. Publishers like and shovel public research money behind private paywalls, locking away scientific advances from less priviledged scientists and students, especially (but not exclusively) from those of the global South. As knowledge is power, this criminal industry has to be called out for ehat it is: a neo-colonial bully that is highly responsible for locking in global power structures.
Luckily, there's a way to enter those thugs' walled gardens:

The site allows to circumvent journals' paywalls by entering the doi or article-URL.


#neocolonialism #research #scihub #mastoscience #science #scientificfreedom #springer #elsevier

Last updated 1 year ago