An entire particle physics course in a single, well written article.
“It’s only by interrogating the Universe that we have that we can learn about it. That’s the key to science: if you want to know something about how the Universe works, you probe it in a way that forces it to tell you about itself.”
#scientificmethod #insidetheatom #physics
“It’s only by interrogating the Universe that we have that we can learn about it. That’s the key to science: if you want to know something about how the Universe works, you probe it in a way that forces it to tell you about itself.”
#scientificmethod #insidetheatom #physics
The obervations were made on a limited sample of people.
The researcher promoted one interpretation when there are other possible interpretations.
This interpretation was used to define an entire population of people as deficient.
This is not science.
The 2019 paper at this link rebuts the Baron-Cohen conclusionns.
The original Baron-Cohen reference is from 1988.
#actuallyautistic #scientificmethod #autism #research
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#cavemanphd #scientificmethod #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
A quotation from Russell, Bertrand:
If you have a good scientific imagination, you can think of all sorts of things that might be true, and that’s the essence of science. You first think of something that might be true — then you look to see if it is, and generally it isn’t.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #imagination #science #scientificmethod #test #truth
#quote #quotes #quotation #imagination #science #scientificmethod #test #truth
Did you know ... the Earth isn't flat? 😱 Did you know that you can prove it, with mathematics? 😱 DID YOU KNOW THAT MATH IS OPEN SOURCE!!!?? 😱 What a novel idea, teaching yourself the tools needed to prove if your own ideas or theories are correct or false 😱 Such an amazing concept, critical thinking and the scientific method. WOW! 😱 #math #stem #mathematics #science #physics #flatearth #scientificmethod #selftaught
#math #stem #mathematics #Science #physics #flatearth #scientificmethod #selftaught
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
#science #scientificmethod
The Raven Paradox is posted! Another math birb in the series.
Do you have a favorite bird you'd like to see?
#mathArt #math #birding #logic #scientificMethod #paradox #raven #adobeFresco #digitalPainting #mathbirb
#mathbirb #digitalpainting #adobefresco #raven #paradox #scientificmethod #logic #birding #math #mathart
One is likely a lot less dangerous than the other, however these chakra folks seem particularly vulnerable to #RightWing exploitation. Seems to me that it is important to have an organized counter narrative.
As a happy #atheist, a believer in the virtue of the #ScientificMethod, this kind of stuff frustrates me while also recognizing that the rationalist community is not very good at countering this kind of narrative and giving a more hopeful message
#rightwing #atheist #scientificmethod
#CMSPaper even shorter:
We do not see any new Z bosons made together with b quarks that could explain the anomalies in the same signature seen by LHCb and similar flavour experiments #scientificMethod #nullresult
#CMSPaper #scientificmethod #nullresult
DEFINITION of Scientific Method
Source: Tech Target
By Gavin Wright
Tréa Lavery, Editorial Assistant
The scientific method is the process of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation. The basic process involves making an observation, forming a hypothesis, making a prediction, conducting an experiment and finally analyzing the results.
Steps of the scientific method
The scientific method uses a series of steps to establish facts or create knowledge. The overall process is well established, but the specifics of each step may change depending on what is being examined and who is performing it. The scientific method can only answer questions that can be proven or disproven through testing.
Make an observation or ask a question. The first step is to observe something that you would like to learn about or ask a question that you would like answered. These can be specific or general. Some examples would be "I observe that our total available network bandwidth drops at noon every weekday" or "How can we increase our website registration numbers?" Taking the time to establish a well-defined question will help you in later steps.
Gather background information. This involves doing research into what is already known about the topic. This can also involve finding if anyone has already asked the same question.
Create a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an explanation for the observation or question. If proven later, it can become a fact. Some examples would be "Our employees watching online videos during lunch is using our internet bandwidth" or "Our website visitors don't see our registration form."
Create a prediction and perform a test.
Create a testable prediction based on the hypothesis. The test should establish a noticeable change that can be measured or observed using empirical analysis. It is also important to control for other variables during the test. Some examples would be "If we block video-sharing sites, our available bandwidth will not go down significantly during lunch" or "If we make our registration box bigger, a greater percentage of visitors will register for our website than before the change."
Analyze the results and draw a conclusion. Use the metrics established before the test see if the results match the prediction. For example, "After blocking video-sharing sites, our bandwidth utilization only went down by 10% from before; this is not enough of a change to be the primary cause of the network congestion" or "After increasing the size of the registration box, the percent of sign-ups went from 2% of total page views to 5%, showing that making the box larger results in more registrations."
Share the conclusion or decide what question to ask next: Document the results of your experiment. By sharing the results with others, you also increase the total body of knowledge available. Your experiment may have also led to other questions, or if your hypothesis is disproven you may need to create a new one and test that. For example, "Because user activity is not the cause of excessive bandwidth use, we now suspect that an automated process is running at noon every day."
Using the scientific method in technology and computers
The scientific method is incredibly valuable in technology and related fields. It is obviously used in research and development, but it is also useful in day-to-day operations. Because almost everything can be quantified, testing hypotheses can be easy.
Most modern computer systems are complicated and difficult to troubleshoot. Using the scientific method of hypothesis and testing can greatly simplify the process of tracking down errors and it can help find areas of improvement. It can also help when you evaluate new technologies before implementation.
Using the scientific method in business
Many business processes benefit when using the scientific method. Shifting business landscapes and complex business relationships can make behaviors hard to predict or act counter to previous history. Instead of using gut feelings or previous experience, a scientific approach can help businesses grow. Big data initiative can make business information more available and easier to test with.
The scientific method can be applied in many areas. Customer satisfaction and retention numbers can be analyzed and tested upon. Profitability and finance numbers can be analyzed to form new conclusions. Making predictions on changing business practices and checking the results will help to identify and measure success or failure of the initiatives.
Common pitfalls in using the scientific method
The scientific method is a powerful tool. Like any tool, though, if it is misused it can cause more damage than good.
The scientific method can only be used for testable phenomenon. This is known as falsifiability. While much in nature can be tested and measured, some areas of human experience are beyond objective observation.
Both proving and disproving the hypothesis are equally valid outcomes of testing. It is possible to ignore the outcome or inject bias to skew the results of a test in a way that will fit the hypothesis. Data in opposition to the hypothesis should not be discounted.
It is important to control for other variables and influences during testing to not skew the results. While difficult, not accounting for these could produce invalid data. For example, testing bandwidth during a holiday or measuring registrations during a sale event may introduce other factors that influence the outcome.
Another common pitfall is mixing correlation with causation. While two data points may seem to be connected, it is not necessarily true that once is directly influenced by the other. For example, an ice cream stand in town sees drops in business on the hottest days. While the data may look like the hotter the weather, the less people want ice cream, the reality is that more people are going to the beach on those days and less are in town.
History of the scientific method
The discovery of the scientific method is not credited to any single person, but there are a few notable figures who contributed to its development.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle is considered to be one of the earliest proponents of logic and cycles of observation and deduction in recorded history. Ibn al-Haytham, a mathematician, established stringent testing methodologies in pursuit of facts and truth, and he recorded his findings.
During the Renaissance, many thinkers and scientists continued developing rational methods of establishing facts. Sir Francis Bacon emphasized the importance of inductive reasoning. Sir Isaac Newton relied on both inductive and deductive reasoning to explain the results of his experiments, and Galileo Galilei emphasized the idea that results should be repeatable.
Other well-known contributors to the scientific method include Karl Popper, who introduced the concept of falsifiability, and Charles Darwin, who is known for using multiple communication channels to share his conclusions.
Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information • 7
This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on a theory of information which grows out of pragmatic semiotic ideas. All my projects are exploratory in character but this line of inquiry is more open‑ended than most. The question is —
• What is information and how does it impact the spectrum of activities answering to the name of inquiry?
Setting out on what would become his lifelong quest to explore and explain the “Logic of Science”, C.S. Peirce pierced the veil of historical confusions obscuring the issue and fixed on what he called the “laws of information” as the key to solving the puzzle.
The first hints of the Information Revolution in our understanding of scientific inquiry may be traced to Peirce's lectures of 1865–1866 at Harvard University and the Lowell Institute. There Peirce took up “the puzzle of the validity of scientific inference” and claimed it was “entirely removed by a consideration of the laws of information”.
Fast forward to the present and I see the Big Question as follows. Having gone through the exercise of comparing and contrasting Peirce's theory of information, however much it yet remains in a rough‑hewn state, with Shannon's paradigm so pervasively informing the ongoing revolution in our understanding and use of information, I have reason to believe Peirce's idea is root and branch more general and has the potential, with due development, to resolve many mysteries still bedeviling our grasp of inference, information, and inquiry.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicOfScience #ScientificMethod #InformationTheory
#Pragmatism #Semiotics #SignRelations #PragmaticSemioticInformation
#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce
Pragmatic Semiotic Information • Ψ
I remember it was back in ’76 when I began to notice a subtle shift of focus in the computer science journals I was reading, from discussing X to discussing “Information About X”, or \(X \to \mathrm{Info}(X)\) as I came to notate the transformation. I suppose that small arc of revolution had been building for years but it struck me as crossing a threshold to a more explicit, self‑conscious stage about that time.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicOfScience #ScientificMethod #InformationTheory
#Pragmatism #Semiotics #SignRelations #PragmaticSemioticInformation
#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce
So yes, #scirnce and #scientists do make, and have always made, absolute pronouncements that are later proven false or incomplete even when following the #ScientificMethod.
Who's to say the hallowed, revered #scientific #method itself may not one to be proven to be flawed..?
#method #scientific #scientificmethod #scientists #scirnce
Eric Schmidt: This is how AI will transform the way science gets done #AI #science #ScientificMethod #LiteratureReviews
#AI #science #scientificmethod #literaturereviews
If you appreciate #science and the #scientificmethod
If you understand the power of #journals that publish #fact based, peer-reviewed #research
If you cheer how #vaccines have saved tens of millions of lives from #polio and #measles and #smallpox and other deadly #diseases
...then I can't stress just how #dangerous #RFK Jr is as a dealer in #misinformation
Nor how his running for #president will amplify doubting what is settled science.
What the ACTUAL fuck?
#science #scientificmethod #journals #fact #research #vaccines #polio #measles #smallpox #diseases #dangerous #rfk #misinformation #president
A great tool for #Reproducibility #DataManagement #labLife #PiLife #Science #ScientificMethod #Microscopy #ImageAnalysis hastags.
#ImageAnalysis #microscopy #scientificmethod #Science #pilife #lablife #datamanagement #reproducibility
The #multiverse pushes beyond the limits of the #scientificmethod. From our vantage point in the #Universe, we cannot know if it's real.
#multiverse #scientificmethod #universe
Despite limited technology and resources, ancient scientists used empirical data learn about the world and come up with accurate hypotheses.
Spices were highly valued by early foodies.
Transparent communication, aligning incentives, and reconciling data with lived experience is crucial for success.
#STEM #scientificmethod #Eratosthenes #Ptolemy #LibraryofAlexandria #discovery #communication #transparency #datainformed #productmanagement #foodies #spices
#stem #scientificmethod #eratosthenes #ptolemy #libraryofalexandria #discovery #communication #transparency #datainformed #productmanagement #foodies #spices
A quotation from Krogh, August:
We may fondly imagine that we are impartial seekers after truth, but with a few exceptions, to which I know that I do not belong, we are influenced, and sometimes strongly, by our personal bias; and we give our best thoughts to those ideas which we have to defend.
Nevertheless, we should of course all do our best to avoid c…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #bias #science #scientificmethod