Two high-profile retractions in a year and one to go: Ranga Dias is about to do a hat trick in scientific misconduct.
Editor’s Note, Nature, Sept. 1, 2023: “Readers are alerted that the reliability of the data presented in this manuscript is currently under question.”
#retractionwatch #scientificmisconduct #superconductivity #vaultingambition
There'll always be fraud; some people will always try to cheat the system. I suppose the question is, how to minimise it (and then, how to detect it).
This doesn't help:"Until publishing papers is decoupled from earning funding and employment, however, it’s difficult to imagine how much will change."
From the co-founders of Retraction Watch:
#scientificfraud #scientificmisconduct
There’s far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit | Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus | The Guardian
#RetractionWatch #ScientificMisconduct #Science #scientificresearch #Academia
#academia #scientificresearch #Science #scientificmisconduct #retractionwatch
Whoa! #MarcTessierLavigne , the President of #Stanford University has resigned after issues of #ScientificMisconduct were identified in several papers he authored on #Alzheimer ‘s disease. 👉
Stanford was also where #ElizabethHolmes hatched her #Theranos scam, and where #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s ‘Dr. Death’ during the #CoronavirusPandemic #ScottAtlas is a staff member at the #HooverInstitute. 🤔
#marctessierlavigne #stanford #scientificmisconduct #Alzheimer #elizabethholmes #theranos #donaldthedeplorable #Coronaviruspandemic #scottatlas #hooverinstitute #threestrikes
Harvard Business School Professor Francesca Gino Accused of Committing Data Fraud #ScientificMisconduct #researchethics #FalsifiedData #ResearchFraud #Integrity #Policy
#scientificmisconduct #researchethics #falsifieddata #researchfraud #integrity #policy
If Ranga Dias of the University of Rochester & his team have observed room-temperature (294 K), near-ambient pressure #superconductivity [1], their discovery could rank among the greatest scientific advances of the 21st century. But for the past 3 years, the team—& Dias in particular—has been shrouded in allegations of #scientificmisconduct. The #APS confirmed today that #PRL has launched an investigation into one of those allegations.
#physics #physicsmagazine #prl #aps #scientificmisconduct #superconductivity
Retracted papers originating from paper mills: cross sectional study
Papers retracted originating from paper mills are increasing in frequency, posing a problem for the research community. Retracted paper mill papers most commonly originated from China and were published in a small number of journals. Nevertheless, detected paper mill papers might be substantially different from those that are not detected. New mechanisms are needed to identify and avoid this relatively new type of misconduct.
#Science #RetractedPaper #ScientificFraud #ScientificMisconduct
#scientificmisconduct #ScientificFraud #RetractedPaper #science
Very important work at the US ofice of Research Misconduct. Some shoking cases exposed here. #misconduct #ScientificMisconduct
#misconduct #scientificmisconduct
Paleontologist accused of faking data in dino-killing asteroid paper
The inability to produce original digital data in 2022 or identify where analyses were done is very disturbing. In addition to the alleged #ScientificMisconduct of the authors, this does not make Scientific Reports look very good. And the appearance of trying to scoop a #ECR woman is also not a good look.
via @michael_w_busch
Paleontologist accused of faking data in dino-killing asteroid paper
The inability to produce original digital data in 2022 or identify where analyses were done is very disturbing. In addition to the alleged #ScientificMisconduct of the authors, this does not make Scientific Reports look very good. And the appearance of trying to scoop a #ECR woman is also not a good look.
Deep in the bowels of #FrenchBureaucracy and administration, someone discovered the solution to solve all #ScientificMisconduct. Starting January 2023, at the end of a Ph.D. thesis defense, the student will now have to read aloud the following proclamation
"In the presence of my peers. Having completed my doctorate in ...,
#frenchbureaucracy #scientificmisconduct