Back in march I published my first #ScientificPaper. It used #LymanAlpha spectral observations from the IRIS satellite. We developed an algorithm to identify #SolarSpicules in those datasets. Previously identification in UV wavelengths had to be done by hand, which made #Statistics difficult. We identified over 2,000 events, which helps people's statistics in the future! We'll be using that info to tell us where to point our rocket when we launch. #AcademicChatter
#academicchatter #statistics #solarspicules #lymanalpha #scientificpaper
👍 #Nanopublications = “smallest unit of #publishable information”
🤔 Why should #scientists consider #publishing “pixels of #knowledge”?
🧐 What's in there for #authors & #readers at RIO Journal?
Find more about our pilot project with Knowledge Pixels on our blog:
#openscience #openresearch #scholarlypublishing #journals #research #researchers #researchpaper #scientificresearch #scientists #scientificpaper #nanopubs #scholcomm
#scholcomm #nanopubs #scientificpaper #scientificresearch #researchpaper #researchers #Research #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #readers #authors #knowledge #publishing #scientists #publishable #nanopublications
🧐 Everything you can do with #nanopublications in our #RIOJournal on #Pensoft's blog👇
Our #nanopub pilot project with @knowledgepixels gives our authors & readers several opportunities to use #nanopubs to contribute to #published knowledge in a #FAIR manner.
#openscience #openresearch #scholarlypublishing #journals #research #researchers #researchpaper #scientificresearch #scientists #scientificpaper #nanopubs #scholcomm
#scholcomm #scientificpaper #scientists #scientificresearch #researchpaper #researchers #Research #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #fair #published #nanopubs #nanopub #pensoft #riojournal #nanopublications
#war #scientificpaper #RussianScientists
RT @dorigo
A link to a very nice article on the Guardian, and what I think about authorship of scientific publications in times of war:
#scientificpaper #RussianScientists #war
RT @EUPVSEC: 3 weeks to go!
Be part of the #EUPVSEC2023 and submit your #abstract until 3 February 2023.
Find more information on the topics and the paper submission at
We look forward to receiving your latest #research findings!
#photovoltaics #scientificpaper
#EUPVSEC2023 #abstract #research #photovoltaics #scientificpaper
My #spam folder is bulging after the #Christmas break
Particularly intrigued by #WonderWoman soliciting a #scientificpaper for a dodgy #Predatory #Academic #Journal
#spam #christmas #wonderwoman #scientificpaper #predatory #academic #journal
An introduction to a #ScientificPaper on the history of #hacker culture by #ChatGPT. Not bad...
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence
#scientificpaper #hacker #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence
Les revues du centre Mersenne ont désormais accès à leurs statistiques de production : délai moyen entre soumission et mise en ligne, nombre d’articles et de pages publiés par an, nombre d'article/pages par numéro, etc.
#OpenAccess #scientificpaper #Statistics #Scientificpublishing
#scientificpublishing #statistics #scientificpaper #openaccess
What’s your favourite #citation manger? What do you use to keep #scientificpaper #ScienceMastodon #papers
#citation #scientificpaper #ScienceMastodon #papers
How to write a general abstract for a paper
I have seen a few of these floating around on Twitter, so I thought I would save one for posterity.
#StyleGuide #A #abstract #scientificpaper
#styleguide #a #abstract #scientificpaper
Formation of #multiprotein complexes through co-translational assembly is a fascinating topic that I first encountered in this #scientificpaper by Caia Duncan and Juan Mata, 2011:
#scientificpaper #multiprotein
If you start a list with "e.g.", "such as", "for instance", or "including", do not end it up with "etc." or "and others". This is redundant since you created the list as open-ended.
Your #manuscript is too long?
Delete all the unnecessary "in this study", "in this paper", "here", etc. I guarantee you'll shrink it by 5%
I am reading the bloody thing, I know you are not talking about another document...