Scientist Rebellion Germany on Instagram: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to #GlobalWarming with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»" "#Exxon's internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that #ClimatChange is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter." "#ExxonMobil didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world." ❗#EXXONKNEW❗ [Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063] #raymondlee #fossilfuelindustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #fakenews #climatechangedenial #climatedenial #oilindustry #gasindustry #fossilfuellobby #climatescience #climatescientists #climatecrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #climatejustice #climateprotest #endfossilfuels"
7 likes, 1 comments - scientistrebellion_ger on August 17, 2023: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil com..."
"In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to #GlobalWarming with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»"
"#Exxon's internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that #ClimatChange is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter."
"#ExxonMobil didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world."
[Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063]
#raymondlee #fossilfuelindustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #fakenews #climatechangedenial #climatedenial #oilindustry #gasindustry #fossilfuellobby #climatescience #climatescientists #climatecrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #climatejustice #climateprotest #endfossilfuels
#GlobalWarming #exxon #climatchange #exxonmobil #exxonknew #raymondlee #FossilFuelIndustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #FakeNews #climatechangedenial #ClimateDenial #OilIndustry #gasindustry #FossilFuelLobby #ClimateScience #climatescientists #ClimateCrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #ClimateJustice #ClimateProtest #endfossilfuels
In der Klimawissenschaft ist ein Kipppunkt definiert als "eine kritische Schwelle, jenseits derer sich ein System neu organisiert, oft abrupt und/oder irreversibel" (Lenton et al., 2008). Hier sind 10 #Kipppunkte, die für uns zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen haben.
"Einige der im #IPCC-Bericht erörterten abrupten Klimaänderungen und Kipppunkte könnten schwerwiegende lokale Klimareaktionen nach sich ziehen, wie extreme Temperaturen, Dürren, Waldbrände, Verlust der Eisschilde und Zusammenbruch der thermohalinen Zirkulation.
Es gibt Hinweise auf abrupte Veränderungen in der Erdgeschichte, und einige dieser Ereignisse wurden als Kipppunkte interpretiert (Dakos et al., 2008). Einige davon sind mit bedeutenden Veränderungen des globalen Klimas verbunden, wie z. B. die Interglaziale im Quartär (vor 2,5 Millionen Jahren) und die rasche Erwärmung während des thermischen Maximums im Paläozän und Eozän (vor etwa 55,5 Millionen Jahren; Bowen et al., 2015; Hollis et al., 2019).
Solche Ereignisse veränderten das planetare Klima für zehn- bis hunderttausende von Jahren, aber mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die tatsächlich viel langsamer ist als der projizierte anthropogene Klimawandel in diesem Jahrhundert, selbst wenn es keine Kipppunkte gibt" (IPCC, 2021).
#climatescience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatechange #climatecrisis #forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem.
#kipppunkte #ipcc #ClimateScience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem
Eine Strafe so niedrig, dass sie symbolisch dafür ist, dass es eigentlich keine Bestrafung geben sollte?
Richterin verurteilt @CorneliaHuth, @JoergAltSJ u Luca Thomas zu 10 Tagessätzen für eine Strassenblockade im Rahmen der #ScientistRebellion Aktionen letztes Jahr im Oktober.
#ScientistRebellion #KlimaKrise #zivilerungehorsam #scientistrebelliongermany