I'm feeling very still
✍️ fic by deliciousblizzardshark
🚀 #TheUntamed #MDZS
🚀 #LanZhan / #WeiYing
🚀 8k, Mature
🚀 An interstellar spaceship wakes LZ from cryo to make mid-flight repairs
🚀 Similar to Passengers but with creepy removed
🚀 I want this movie!
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41747304
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #WangXianFicRec #SciFiAU #WangXian
#theuntamed #mdzs #LanZhan #WeiYing #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #scifiau #wangxian
I will be chasing a starlight
✍️ fic by feyburner, sundiscus
🖖 #MDZS #TheUntamed
🖖 #LanZhan / #WeiYing
🖖 71k, Explicit
🖖 WY meets half-vulcan LZ at Starfleet academy
🖖 WY decides they will be friends
🖖 Adventure, pon farr, mind meld
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26742931
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #SciFiAU #SlowBurn #AngstWithAHappyEnding #Misunderstandings #Telepathy
#mdzs #theuntamed #LanZhan #WeiYing #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #scifiau #slowburn #angstwithahappyending #misunderstandings #telepathy