#SciFiFantasyReviews: The Fifth Season
One of the most famous SciFi authors, Arthur C. Clark, once said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This characterizes the novel I'd like to discuss today pretty well. Let's talk about "The Fifth Season"...
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#SciFiFantasyReviews: The Fifth Season
One of the most famous SciFi authors, Arthur C. Clark, once said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This characterizes the novel I'd like to discuss today pretty well. Let's talk about "The Fifth Season"...
Full Post: https://octahedron.world/storylines/reviews/04-fifth-season?c=mst
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#SciFiFantasyReviews: Ringworld
I'm late to this sci-fi classic: Ringworld by Larry Niven. Niven has, especially through the series of the Ringworld books, become one of the most renowned and respected writers of the genre, often listed as a successor of Golden Age authors like Bradbury, Asimov and Clarke. ...
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Full Post: https://octahedron.world/storylines/reviews/03-ringworld?c=mst
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#SciFiFantasyReviews: Star Trek Picard
The third and last episode of Star Trek: Picard, the TV series on Prime, is finished. After season one, I thought it was the best I've ever seen. Season two then brought it back on earth, figuratively. So how was season three and the whole series? ...
#startrek, #Books, #Movies, #TVShows, #Review
Full Post: https://octahedron.world/storylines/reviews/02-picard?c=mst
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#SciFiFantasyReviews: The Dispossessed
A new series, folks. I watch a lot of movies and TV shows and I read a lot of books. So I'd like to do some reviews here. Not so much in the direction of good and bad and "x out of ten" voting, but rather under the aspect of what parts are interesting or unique in the sci-fi and fantasy world. ...
#ursulakleguin, #book, #Books, #Movies, #TVShows, #Review
Full Post: https://octahedron.world/storylines/reviews/01-the-dispossessed?c=mst
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