David D. Herbón · @ddherbon
43 followers · 26 posts · Server hcommons.social

First things first, a proper is in order:
I'm a digital researcher, serializer, ' vectorialization artisan, projects' planner and fosterer who, proudly being by family and choice, was born in Spain by design of a tyrant, and lives in Mexico for the sake of love.
Nevertheless, most of the time I spend in feeding my most futile obsessions, both at home and abroad, as a (if such an occupation exists…), , and .
If I'm here (again, and for the 3rd time…) it's just because I need you all to inspire and couch me, as I soon in my life guided myself into becoming an eternal learner, apprentice of the most diverse arts, and to give you back whatever my mind and hands may craft in the execution of my thoughts and labour, in the hope the idiocy does not outrun me and my efforts are not meant to be pointless.

#introduction #historicalinformation #oldmaps #digitalhumanities #galego #househusband #scifireader #dogcarer #drawer

Last updated 2 years ago