I bought a #scintillation detector from https://radiacode.com. A great super modern radiation detector… it’s like a #geigercounter but with energy spectrum (you can detect the radioactive isotope). For testing I bought a 5x5x2cm #uranglas… now I am testing comparing all my geigercounters from the good radix to the cheap Chinese :-))
#scintillation #geigercounter #uranglas
My #photomultipliertube test box I made some years ago. Basically a tin box with a lid, made light-tight with adhesive foam made for old SLR cameras. A BNC chassis socket with a bit of coax connects the outside electronics to the voltage divider/socket/PMT.
Shown are the PMT, a test #thallium doped #sodiumiodide #scintillation crystal and a spark gap containing ¹³⁷Cs to generate predictable pulse heights.
#gammaspectroscopy #radioactivity #scintillation #sodiumiodide #Thallium #photomultipliertube
How I found the page: I had my own visual hallucination, a kaleidoscope image, first with eyes closed and, alarmingly, persisting when I opened them. The image was superimposed over everything. I seemed to be looking at a baby’s limbs thru a #kaleidoscope, image bright and crisp and spinning rapidly.
I’m guessing it was a #migraine #aura b/c it resolved into a more standard (for me) #scintillation, like looking through flowing water. It was on waking from a vivid dream (not about babies). 4/4
#kaleidoscope #migraine #aura #scintillation
I've had four instances of #RetinalMigraine in the past seven days and it's freaking me out. Anyone else experience this and have ideas of triggers? I have a doctor's appointment but it's not until mid January. Keeping a log of instances until then.
#retinalmigraine #scintillation #ocularmigraine
A #gamma spectrum of a small piece of #lutetium metal. With a decent #scintillation probe two peaks of 202 and 307 keV will quickly pop up. #lu176 #radioactivity
#radioactivity #lu176 #scintillation #lutetium #gamma
My first successful #gamma #spectrometry more than 10 years ago. I got a #scintillation probe and other parts for free from the well-known company #Scionix. Using a HV power supply and a computer with a sound card, a spectrum of ¹³⁷Cs was obtained. #science #radioactivity
#radioactivity #science #scionix #scintillation #spectrometry #gamma
Hello, MastoWorld, I'm Ada Palmer! Historian & #sff novelist, author of Terra Ignota, I teach at University of Chicago & tend to post #SomethingBeautiful pics and fun photos of history things from my #history research travels to #Italy and around Europe. I also love #gelato, food & #Shakespeare. Connected #booktwitter #histodons #bookhistory #renaissance, frequent #Worldcon goer, #scintillation, #manga #anime researcher, and #disability and #chronicpain experiencer & activist, #TorBooks author.
#sff #somethingbeautiful #history #italy #gelato #shakespeare #booktwitter #histodons #bookhistory #renaissance #worldcon #scintillation #manga #anime #disability #chronicpain #TorBooks
Identify Radioactive Samples With This DIY Gamma-Ray Spectrometer https://hackaday.com/2022/05/03/identify-radioactive-samples-with-this-diy-gamma-ray-spectrometer/ #gammarayspectroscopy #raspberrypipico #scintillation #toolhacks #science
#gammarayspectroscopy #RaspberryPiPico #scintillation #toolhacks #science