Old video of mine showing a DIY alpha/beta #scintillationprobe. I built it with a #photomultipliertube, some ZnS(Ag) scintillator and some very thin "rad film" mylar. Especially the ¹⁴C source generates lots of counts 😈 #radioactivity #nuclearphysics
#nuclearphysics #radioactivity #photomultipliertube #scintillationprobe
Due to need to acquire #hamradio gear I am again offering my #Scionix 2" NaI(Tl) #scintillationprobe. Comes with a socket and voltage divider. Sold as-is but worked OK last time I used it. Comes with test sheet, 6.3% FHWM resolution.
€250 excl. shipping
#scintillationprobe #scionix #hamradio
The totally awesome resolution of LaBr3(Ce) scintillator probes 🤓 #scintillationprobe #scintillator #gammaspectroscopy #radiation
#radiation #gammaspectroscopy #scintillator #scintillationprobe