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@mythologymonday @AimeeMaroux @bookstodon @mythology @folklore @folklorethursday @TarkabarkaHolgy @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood
Late to the party, but a mythology-themed series of books I really enjoy is the #Scion #ttrpg line.
This setting takes place in a variant of the modern world - but the faiths of old have never gone away completely. And while the Gods have some excellent reasons to be discreet when acting in the world, the activities of the supernatural are still common enough if you know where to find them.
The default assumption is that the player characters are young descendants of the gods - the titular Scions - who gradually become aware of their heritage, and then try to fulfill their destiny.
I am currently running a Scion campaign that is heavily inspired by German folklore, and it's a lot of fun!
@craigofinspiration Depends on the campaign and setting.
In #DnD I like to use "canon" monsters because I like to explore the weirdness of Dungeons & Dragons lore, and use them in new and interesting ways.
In my current #Scion campaign, I come up with custom monsters based on German folk tales a lot.
@luigirenna @Tim_Eagon @germany @folklore
I'm currently getting a lot of mileage out of this in my #Scion campaign. One of the player characters is unknowingly a heir to one of the dynasties of Ultraterrestrial Venice - a dynasty that is currently in exile, and their struggle to return to power is going to be a major campaign arc.
He grew up as an adopted child of an Italian-German family and has started working as a lawyer. But now he is getting glimpses of these deeper background secrets, and he is trying to figure out what it all means.
I have written up another session of my current #Scion #ttrpg campaign.
In the course of their investigations, the PCs face an unexpected conundrum: How can they prevent "The Sleeper" from awakening - and just how far are they willing to go towards this end?
@GoblinQuester @theDoctor @fdouglaswall @chgowiz I'm currently running a #Scion campaign based on German folk tales, and it's been a lot of fun throwing all the strange stuff from German folklore at the players.
In the last session, the PCs had a discussion on the following topic:
"Okay, if this research project continues, they will inevitably discover the vault where Emperor Charlemagne sleeps. So how do we sabotage them?"
I'm currently playing a #Scion game that's wrapping up soon. We're not sure what's next, but I hope to play or run #Pathfiner2e. We also play a lot of Mutants and Masterminds, which I don't care for but my group loves.
The list of games I've played is long, though. I started with the D&D red box back in 1983. My favorites are #pf2e, Changeling: the Dreaming, Mage: the Ascension, and Savage Worlds. My favorite D&D was 4th edition.
Question for planning my next #Scion #ttrpg session:
I have a startup whose business plan revolves around magically controlled ants. What kinds of equipment and supplies would it have in its "research lab" with the ant hives?
(And yes, this _is_ the kind of startup that would skimp on biohazard safety...)
I need some ideas for the next session of my upcoming #Scion #ttrpg campaign:
Give me some ideas for the most obnoxious "Wannabe-TechBro" startup founders you can think of. Empty phrases and slogans, hobbies that demonstrate their "leadership qualities", glitzy website elements, and anything else that would sufficiently demonstrate their utter soullessness to a venture capitalist investor!
@ChaskaTheMagicDog Playing #dnd5e and #CallOfCthulu . Planning to run #Scion .
Apropos the #Coronation : Has anyone used pro-monarchy groups as villains in their #ttrpg campaigns?
I plan to do so for my #Scion game!
@SJohnRoss @mhd I've been working on a fantasy setting since forever where the aristocracy has been abolished for centuries, although some of their descendants are still lurking in the shadow and waiting for a comeback.
Also, I plan to run a #Scion game set in modern-day Germany where monarchists are going to be a bad-guy faction. To be precise, they want to revive one of the "Sleeping Emperors" supposedly hidden under one of Germany's mountains, and recreate the Holy Roman Empire.
Now I am wondering what kind of rival treasure hunters I should put in my first #Scion adventure.
Note: Scion is a #ttrpg where the myths and gods of old survived into the present day. And while the gods have good reasons to somewhat discreet when acting in the world, their worship never faded away completely, even in Western nations - and there is no "Masquerade", either.