Excellent overview of the importance of a well-functioning transit system in a community's decarbonization efforts. #sciotownship #climatecrisis #michigan https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/better-bus-systems-could-slow-climate-change/
#michigan #climatecrisis #sciotownship
Boil water advisory for #sciotownship until Wed, April 26 at 3pm
Looking for feedback on the rough draft of #sciotownship Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. If you are a Scio resident or spend time here, I'd love to hear what you have to see (especially regarding the Transportation/Mobility section, which is my bailiwick). We hope to incorporate feedback received by the end of April before taking it to our Planning Commission. You can email me at cathy.jaskiewicz@gmail.com if you'd like. Thanks!
@george knowing how helpful such a bike lane would be to #annarbor and #sciotownship, not to mention that it addresses overall county and #WCRC stated goals, maybe contact state legislators and County Commission for support as well?
They're going to have to do a lot of work on the Liberty St bridge over I-94. How do we convince them to add a bike lane to the westbound lane? #annarbor #sciotownship
@ejk I hope #AnnArbor and #ScioTownship can work together to advocate for better connections for pedestrians and bicyclists in the design for a new bridge.
@alex you might also want to tag #ScioTownship too, I think some folks follow that tag
Firefighters in #ScioTownship are the latest to go #solarpower. A new 40-kilowatt #solararray is taking shape, less than a year after township leaders declared a #ClimateEmergency.
Beginning on Wed, March 8, installers with Homeland Solar were at work setting up a new array of #solarpanels at the township fire station at 1055 North Zeeb Road, just west of #AnnArbor. It’s the latest upgrade for the facility that underwent a renovation in recent years.
#environment #news #annarbor #solarpanels #climateemergency #solararray #solarpower #sciotownship
New study highlights exposure risks in #ScioTownship & #AnnArbor basements from the #GelmanSciences 1,4 #dioxaneplume. Thousands of lbs of #dioxane were discharged by #Gelman to soil, surface water, & groundwater at the site. According to the #EPA, #14dioxane is hazardous to human health & repeated exposures increase the risks of kidney & liver damage, miscarriage or fetal death, & possibly cancer.
#environment #news #14dioxane #epa #gelman #dioxane #dioxaneplume #gelmansciences #annarbor #sciotownship
@ChrisMcCahill Thanks for this article. Just forwarded it to Sustainability Task Force members in #sciotownship which is a suburb directly adjacent to Ann Arbor (similar community to Madison).
Working (as a volunteer citizen committee member) on policy related to this in a rural/suburban township outside Ann Arbor, Mi. We have been using this 3-year-old article as a starting point for ideas. Looking at requiring new multi-family housing (as well as single family and businesses) to provide charging spaces. Ideas for encouraging voluntary measures for existing housing would be welcome! #sciotownship
@DavidAno Thank you for doing your part - great letter! Please continue to encourage others to express their thoughts about how to combat #climatechange to local and state officials; I know our #sciotownship board of trustees need to understand how many of us support these policies.
Excited that we finally have our bus shelters in place, and hoping we can keep up the momentum with bike racks at each location. Also...Jackson Rd. crosswalks. #sciotownship #bicycle
@w8emv would love to hear about your experience afterwards - I'm on Scio's sustainability task force, working on our Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action Plan, and would really appreciate feedback on existing transit system's strengths & weaknesses. #sciotownship #climatecrisis
@JocelynBenson Welcome! Michigander from Washtenaw County here. #Michigan #sciotownship
@samfirke @Erich @robkerr @DevonAkmon @akgood I’ve been logging my commutes in Strava for the sole goal of showing up in Strava’s maps. I know #ScioTownship looks at Strava data and I want Liberty to show up
@jeffhuman I just joined mastodon & am slowly getting the hang of it. I'm also a #sciotownship resident and serve on its Environmental Sustainability Task Force on its Transportation/Mobility working group. We are in the process of putting together an Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action Plan for the township and would welcome input. Working on electrification, transit, multi-use pathways in particular.
@george that's the path I take on my non e #bike. Wagner is the most dangerous part of my journey, but the stretch of Liberty closest to #sciotownship without sidewalks is my second most dangerous stretch. I ride sidewalks everywhere until I'm downtown with proper bike #infrastructure. I've got kids, so I'm not in a position to martyr myself in a painted gutter.
#infrastructure #sciotownship #bike