Finally home from #SciPy2023 with a full heart (I love this community) and lots of ideas and plans to execute with the particle physics and global scientific community over the next year. Let’s go! See all you wonderful people on GitHub and at #SciPy2024! @scipy2023 @SciPyConf
It’s official the SciPy Conference is leaving Austin for #scipy2024. To where is TBD! #SciPy2023
The SciPy Conference has been going on for 22 years. We've had a lot of parties in this basement, and eaten a lot of queso, but at 22 years old it is time to move out of the basement.
We don't know where #SciPy2024 will be yet, but it won't be here.
- Alex Chabot Leclerc at #SciPy2023