Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: Fat Chance, 2006
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: Rock, Paper, Scissors, 2005(?)
Peek-a-booed for sensitive nudity
#scissordance #collage #collageart
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: There is a Tide, Or*, Taken at the Flood, 2005
Peek-a-booed for sensitive tidal nudity
#scissordance #collage #collageart
*“There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.”
― William #Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
#iamcinnathepoet #shakespeare #collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: The Kabbalah of the Unspeakable Torah, 2005
Peek-a-booed for sensitive nudity
#scissordance #collage #collageart
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: Written In The Book Of Life, 2007
Peek-a-booed for sensitive statuary nudity
#scissordance #collage #collageart
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: Monkey Shines, 2005(?)
Peek-a-booed for sensitive neolithic nudity
#scissordance #collage #collageart
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: The Tooth Fairy, 2003
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
Ghost of Scissor Dances Past: The Artemis of Insomnia and the Milk of Amnesia, 2007
#collageart #Collage #scissordance
#scissordance: ὁμοούσιος
I love you mom. #mothersDay #motherandson
#motherandson #MothersDay #scissordance
I found some #classifieddocuments in an old #collage journal. Should I call the FBI? #collageart #scissordance #poetry wasn't enough.
#Poetry #scissordance #collageart #Collage #classifieddocuments
I found some #classifieddocuments in an old #collage journal. Should I call the FBI? #collageart #scissordance
#scissordance #collageart #Collage #classifieddocuments
In Her Eyes #scissordance #collage #cutandpastecollage #postcard *A Scissor Dance is a collage cut and pasted the old fashioned way, with scissors, glue, and a stack of old magazines. This is years and years old. I found the .jpg while looking for another.
#postcard #cutandpastecollage #Collage #scissordance
I confess not every poem I write or artwork I create is true to the strictures of inexplicability and ambiguity, of this disease of mutable meaning. I occasionally explain, make explicit, make my meaning known. Sometimes it has to be done. For that I apologize, to my muse and to my audience. 4/end
Have some art: #scissordance Superposition without Explanation, or, Schrödinger’s Carrots
I confess not every poem I write or artwork I create is true to the strictures of inexplicability and ambiguity, of this disease of mutable meaning. I occasionally explain, make explicit, make my meaning known. Sometimes it has to be done. For that I apologize, to my muse and to my audience. 4/end
Have some art: #scissordance Superposition without Explanation, or, Schrödinger’s Carrots