Come to find out the entertainment I dig makes me a bit of an odd bird... if you are a fan of these shows :
#Patriot on Amazon
Or these musicians :
..we should be #Fediverse friends...
..even if this message is many months old, because I bet half out the hashtags haven't been used before on your server... 🤣
#fediverse #hayescarll #cordlund #stonedjesus #marcyplayground #helmet #karmatoburn #adamcarroll #toddsnider #theheavyeyes #Truckfighters #scissorfight #localh #futureman #patriot #justified
I don't know why, but there's just something about #Scissorfight that motivates me to draw. I'll be completely unmotivated to so much as open up the program, but then I put that CD into the player (and yes, I still have CDs and a CD player because I'm a dinosaur like that), I'm instantly in the mood. And at the end of it all, I usually have two to three panels on average.
I mean, how can you not fucking love a heavy-ass song titled "Death in the Wilderness" whose chorus goes
I want the spider bite
I want the spider bite
Break out the dynamite
I want to die tonight
#nowplaying #scissorfight #blizzards #buzzards #bastards #getthefuckoffmycarcreep
#getthefuckoffmycarcreep #bastards #buzzards #blizzards #scissorfight #nowplaying
I think my all-time favorite "band who are fully committed to their own ridiculous schtick but tip just enough of a wink that you love them for it" is Scissorfight, a heavy New Hampshire band whose songs mostly follow a "Things gone awry in the survivalist wilderness" theme
Their singer's name is* Ironlung, and their 2001 album "Mantrapping for Sport and Profit" whips ass.
* Their singer's name _was_ Ironlung... I guess they're back together with a new singer, and tbh that's a tough sell for me