Who's going to #SciWri23? The easiest way to see a list of attendees and message your colleagues is through the Whova app. I'm already getting messages and seeing helpful news on the forums there, so make sure to check it out pronto:
ScienceWriters2023 (whova.com)
Delighted to give 10th Petrusky Lecture at #NASW/#CASW #SciWri23, Sat 10/7 in Boulder CO on the lessons provided by Earth's past as we confront the #climatecrisis today--the topic of my forthcoming book, #OurFragileMoment: https://casw.org/news/climate-scientist-michael-mann-to-present-11th-patrusky-lecture/
#ourfragilemoment #climatecrisis #sciwri23 #nasw
The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) will host its Science Writers 2023 conference in Boulder, Colorado, October 6-10. Please consider submitting a session proposal. The deadline is March 7, 2023.
#sciwri23 #scicomm #sciencewriting #nasw #conference #sessions
#sessions #conference #nasw #sciencewriting #scicomm #sciwri23