#DUI legislation trending. Proposed #SCLeg would require anyone convicted of DUI Vehicular Homicide to pay restitution to children of the deceased if they have minor children.
#DEI legislation is trending. #SCLeg would require public state colleges to submit annual reports on DEI spending, and seeks to ban mandatory diversity training.
#ChildCustody trending. #SCLeg states "there is a rebuttable presumption that a time-sharing schedule of approximately equal allocation of parenting time to each parent is in the best interest of the child when both parents are willing, able & fit."
Gender Reassignment Surgery trending. Proposed #SCLeg states that "a person younger than twenty-one years of age may not undergo gender transition procedures" except under "limited circumstances"
#SC Compassionate Care Act trending. #SCLeg would make #marijuana available for the treatment of approved medical conditions, including multiple sclerosis, cancer and glaucoma.
#sc #scleg #marijuana #medicalmarijuana
RT @AlMThompson
SC Senate investigative report calls for Legislature to remove @ComptrollerSC from office over $3.5 billion financial reporting error
Eckstrom has "inability " to perform duties
Comptroller's office should be dismantled
#ElectoralCollege trending. #SCLeg aims to express unwavering support for the Electoral College & urge the Governor and Attorney General of #SC to litigate aggressively against any effort to repeal or nullify it, including the implementation of the #NPVIC
#electoralcollege #scleg #sc #npvic
👏 #SCLeg Rep James Mikell “Mike” Burns files H-4026 to end Daylight Saving Time via permanent Standard Time. Bill is referred to Judiciary Committee, chaired by Reps Weston Newton, John King, and Jay Jordan. Please support! 👏 This can end clock change and preserve morning light—for health, safety, education, economy. Southern Sleep Society, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, National Safety Council, American Medical Association, and dozens more endorse this policy. YES on H-4026 in South Carolina! 👏
The Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act is trending. Proposed #SCLeg amends #SC law by enacting the "families' rights and responsibilities act" to recognize that parents have the ultimate responsibility to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of their children
Note that Burns is the lone sponsor of 3197, but a co on 3485, both prefiled at the same time. It will be important to see whether 3197 gains sponsors, but my suspicion is that #SCleg is going to put more effort into the battle over schools. This would be consistent with the national #GOP agenda. 3485 focuses heavily on parental advisory and school board involvement, which is noteworthy given ADF's 2022 focus on packing boards with GOP operatives.