Article of the month from #LemarLab:
HIPPO #environmental #monitoring: #impact of #phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the #sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions.
Summary in French:
#lemarlab #environmental #monitoring #impact #phytoplankton #sclerochronology
New article out in #Paleoceanography & #Paleoclimatology where we (Chris Maupin & myself) briefly recount how scientists have sought to understand past year-to-year (#interannual) temperature variations in the marine realm:
Mainly focusing on coral-derived records, we also highlight a recent article by Ong et al. (2022; who add a new #coral genus to the #paleoclimate toolkit.
#openaccess #climate #oceanography #mollusks #sclerochronology
#paleoceanography #coral #openaccess #climate #oceanography #mollusks #sclerochronology #paleoclimatology #interannual #paleoclimate
Our young fellow, Jean-François Cudennec (who completed his PhD at LEMAR, now post-doc at @DerbyUni, UK) received an award at the 6th International #Sclerochronology Conference 2023 in Tokyo: 3rd place for ECR presentations !
Congratulations !
So how are squid sometimes like trees? They have rings which you can use to age them! 🦑
Each ring that you see here represents one day in a squid's life, in this case Illex argentinus, my study species #sclerochronology #fisheries